Wake-up call
With friends like Gilder, married fathers don’t need enemies.
In response to my post Vagina worship, Neguy came to George Gilder’s defense: Men and Marriage is actually a re-released second edition of Gilder’s 1973 book Sexual Suicide, which was… read more
The roots of modern Christian wife worship.
In the discussion of Women as responders, commenter Neguy pointed out that the idea that women are naturally good (so long as their husband is loving) goes much further back… read more
God’s Drill Instructors (language warning)
Conservative Christians are facing a masculinity crisis. The traditional/biblical roles of men are no longer palatable in our feminist era. Yet part of being conservative/complementarian means stressing the difference between… read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 2).
In part one of this series I explained how Malachi 2:16 is being reworked from a condemnation of divorce theft to justification for divorce theft. Thus Joel and Kathy Davisson… read more
She doesn’t need a man.
Christ does not need us. He doesn’t need us to be happy. He doesn’t need us to be fulfilled… In the same manner, when a fulfilled, self-sufficient woman marries a… read more
Is fear of women the beginning of wisdom?
Christian Economist Dr. Robert P. Murphy explains in An Essay for Single Christian Men* that although what most call red pill** observations are on the whole accurate, knowledge of the… read more
How to tell if you are a godly man.
Sunshine Thiry decided to test to see if it is true that when complementarians say “listen to your wife” what they mean is “do what she says”. Is it true that… read more
Not listening.
A few readers have challenged my observation that when complementarians say husbands are guilty of “not listening” to their wives what they mean is husbands aren’t doing what the wife… read more
Naghmeh used a modern Christian buzzword when explaining why she went to the family courts: In very difficult situations sometimes you have to establish boundaries while you work toward healing…. read more
Honey, I’m home!
While Pastor Saeed Abedini was flying home to see his wife and children yesterday after being imprisoned for his faith for nearly four years, his wife Naghmeh was preparing a… read more
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