Wake-up call
She only acted crazy to get her own way.
Over the course of two comments on Unhinged, Brand complained that I failed to point out how calculating Kathy Keller was in her “godly tantrum”: For what it’s worth, the… read more
The temptation for wives to claim abuse.
In our age claiming abuse is a powerful tool for wives to punish their husbands. This creates a profound temptation for wives to betray their husbands for any or no… read more
Way ahead of you
Commenters pacguy and Jonadab-the-Rechabite both point out that by the definitions of abuse from Life Skills International and FotF wives are regularly abusing their husbands, and they are very often doing… read more
FotF and Dr. Hegstrom: Check your male privilege.
Screaming abuse is a brilliant feminist tool to keep husbands compliant because while there are some abusive men who mistreat women, feminists know they can appeal to men as a… read more
Never let a crisis go to waste
In my last post I described the surprising wisdom included in a New York Times piece on marriage: “The way to stay married,” my mother says, “is not to get… read more
Unhappy? Make your husband put a deposit into Dr. Harley’s Bank.
Commenter Trust asked if I would give my thoughts on a post by Willard F. Harley, Jr., Ph.D. titled When to call it quits (Part 1). Dr. Harley explains… read more
Eva Mendes said you can’t keep a man.
A few weeks ago Eva Mendes caused what the Telegraph characterized as a “fierce online row” with a seemingly innocuous statement about sweatpants: You can’t do sweatpants… ladies, number one… read more
Relishing sin
2 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: 2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience;… read more
Meet your new master: Her feelings
In the discussion of Sandwich strike preachinginthewilderness commented on one of Sheila Gregoire’s most recent blog posts: Yesterday she was encouraging her thousands of christian women to make sure they… read more
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