Turning the hearts of children from their fathers.
5“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 6And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and… read more
Debtors prisons are an essential tool of our new public policy.
Earlier this month Christopher Mathias at Huffington Post connected the Walter Scott case to our new family model in: One-Eighth Of South Carolina Inmates Were Jailed Over Child Support Payments…. read more
How changes to welfare encouraged the illegitimacy explosion.
Anonymous Reader suggested in the discussion of the last post that welfare law changes in the 1960s might have also played a role in encouraging illegitimacy: Dalrock, it seems to… read more
The blurry line between the welfare state and child support
One thing which struck me when I started looking into the issue of child support is how difficult it is to distinguish between child support and the welfare state. For… read more
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