Stoking feminist resentment
The Atlantic has a new piece up titled The Scourge of the Female Chore Burden: All over the world, women are doing work they’re not getting paid for. In rich… read more
Don’t fear marriage and fatherhood, but beware those who are working to destroy your family.
Matt Walsh has a new post up at the Blaze*: Dear Millennial Men, Don’t Be Afraid of Marriage And Fatherhood. Walsh makes some good points. He notes that marriage isn’t… read more
She lost her best friend.
On Saturday new commenter Constance left a heartbreaking comment on a post I wrote back in 2010: My ex husband and I had a mutual divorce 5 years ago and… read more
Never let a crisis go to waste
In my last post I described the surprising wisdom included in a New York Times piece on marriage: “The way to stay married,” my mother says, “is not to get… read more
She’s keeping her vow
Not her marriage vow, but the vow she made to God when she asked Him to help her break her vow to God. Since He helped her break her vow… read more
A bastard of a job.
First we had Margaret Sanger telling us of the woes of American housewives trapped in boredom and drudgery during WWII, unable to experience the freedom, fun, and excitement of going… read more
The backup plan.
The Mirror has an article up titled Nearly half of women in relationships have ‘Plan B’ man they can run away with (H/T Earl). There isn’t much actual data presented, but… read more
No hiatus for solipsism during World War II.
In my last post I quoted from a radio program delivered by Margaret Sanger discussing the hardships women face in marriage and the importance of marriage counseling. Sanger described a… read more
Commitment issues.
The dominant, unchallenged narrative is that men have problems with commitment, while women are naturally inclined to commit for life. Yet the difference between the dominant narrative and reality couldn’t be… read more
A bridge too far.
The Dalrock research department* brought the latest divorce empowerment movie to my attention: My first thought was that we are due for another epic divorce fantasy (courtesy of Oprah of… read more
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