Wife worship
Science vs theology.
Scientists and the popular media are claiming that women are fallen, and therefore tempted to sin. But Christian theologians know that women are innately good, and if they are ever… read more
Feminists longing for the good old days.
Camille Paglia has famously argued that “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.” Yet even this is likely too optimistic. As… read more
Giving us what we love.
The Country duo Florida Georgia Line has a new worship song* out that raced to number 1 on the Billboard Country chart. The song is titled H.O.L.Y. and is dedicated… read more
Is fear of women the beginning of wisdom?
Christian Economist Dr. Robert P. Murphy explains in An Essay for Single Christian Men* that although what most call red pill** observations are on the whole accurate, knowledge of the… read more
Christian goddess worship; we are not worthy!
The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 2 Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 3 Then I… read more
Stoking feminist resentment
The Atlantic has a new piece up titled The Scourge of the Female Chore Burden: All over the world, women are doing work they’re not getting paid for. In rich… read more
The cult of women’s self esteem.
We live in an age obsessed with women’s self esteem. Feminists assure us that all (or nearly all) of our problems would be solved if only women held themselves in… read more
How to tell if you are a godly man.
Sunshine Thiry decided to test to see if it is true that when complementarians say “listen to your wife” what they mean is “do what she says”. Is it true that… read more
God’s secret plan for every married man’s life.
Magnus asks I wonder what Dr. Hegstrom and the Davissons would say to a genuinely abused man: A man who has been denied sex for years, has been emotionally manipulated… read more
Never let a crisis go to waste
In my last post I described the surprising wisdom included in a New York Times piece on marriage: “The way to stay married,” my mother says, “is not to get… read more
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