6 Reasons Why Hospitals Are A Corporate Scam
An American hospital is a business—nothing more. Some may be subsidized by our socialist-leaning liberal government, but for the most part, hospitals need you there to get paid. And the… read more
24 Articles I Strongly Recommend
Here are some long-form articles I got value from: 1. How the left used terrorist acts in the past with protection from liberal institutions [Link] 2. The history of the… read more
Jordan Peterson Helped Me Find God In A Burning Bush
It was Friday. I was backing out of the driveway to take my daughter to school. As I did so, I happened to notice my neighbor setting his house on fire…. read more
How To Survive The Urban Hellscape
The Post-Industrial American Urban Hellscape is a dangerous place. It is dangerous not only for its lurking, JRPG random encounter-style violence, but for its persistent psychic assaults on your mental… read more
My Wife Left Me Because She Wanted To Party And Be “Free”
Females are the more malleable gender. Whether they crave a strongman type to drill a worldview into them or they soak it in over time and proximity, they will tend… read more
How Men Of The Ancient World Survived The Same Problems We Face Today
There is a lot to be uneasy about these days. Most of us don’t understand the new social justice ethical system being imposed on us so it’s very likely that… read more
4 Quotes Of Wisdom From Saint Augustine’s Confessions
Born in 354, Saint Augustine of Hippo was a saint of the Catholic Church whose writing influenced much of Western philosophy. His works have been quite controversial even among Christians,… read more
Congratulations To The Man
Congratulations to the man who has been persecuted by the powerful, for he has found the truth. Congratulations to the man who has found the deepest love and then lost… read more
6 Letters Sent In From ROK Readers
Today I answer several mailbag submissions, with the final question coming from a female reader from Australia. 1. Letter from a Navy serviceman I just want to say how surprised… read more
4 Latin Mottos From Medieval Times That Men Should Honor Today
Nestled comfortably in the center of history sits a thousand-year high point. Often erroneously named the “dark ages,” this millennium was the greatest source of light in the history of… read more
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