15 Hard Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
Having reached a milestone of age and maturity in my life, I’ve come to realize a number of hard lessons I’ve learned, deserved or otherwise, that can only come from… read more
6 Powerful Passages From Meditations By Marcus Aurelius
In the final decade of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius’ life he wrote a series of personal philosophies intended for himself; these would later be published as Meditations. Some are quotes,… read more
Mike Tyson Speaks The Undisputed Truth
“I am the best ever, I am the most brutal and the most vicious and most ruthless champion there has ever been, there is no one that could stop me…. read more
Self-Improvement Is Not Just For Young Guys
I am writing this article in response to the challenge made by Generation21stCentury a few weeks ago. Improvement of self must continue up to the moment of death. So much… read more
Stop Dwelling On The Past
By now I’m sure most of you have either heard this phrase or said it to yourself many many times before: If only I could go back in time with… read more
How One Man Faced All His Fears And Demons
Little known in North America, Geoff Thompson is a man of many talents recognized for his street fighting credentials and self-defense advises among the most influential martial artists in the… read more
5 Things I Learned As A Young Brothel Manager
My time managing one of Melbourne’s seediest and most corrupt brothels has taught me many things, things that I will remember and use for the rest of my life. But… read more
The McQueen Manifesto
As often happens in life, situations arise and crisis hits without warning, but whether in good times or bad, it is best to have some Life ‘Rules’, or guidelines, to… read more
Life Lessons From Niccolò Machiavelli
The Prince, written by Niccolò Machiavelli, is a classic. And rightfully so, because even though it was written 500 years ago, it remains the bible of realpolitik. It was originally… read more
The Leadership Secrets Of Ayatollah Khomeini
Influence matters in history. When we assess the relative importance of historical figures in the second half of the twentieth century, it is impossible not to notice the driving figure… read more
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