3 Lessons From The Elderly
I am not proud to admit that old people make me uncomfortable. Having to spend time with someone so out-of-touch with our modern world and rapidly hurtling toward death makes… read more
Each Day Is A Little Life
Take a second and think of any man this moment. What that man is today is simply a reflection of everyday he has lived up to this point in time…. read more
Life Was Never Better
Another hundred years were ground up and churned, and what had happened was all muddied by the way folks wanted it to be — more rich and meaningful the farther… read more
A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, or why younger men sometimes totally disregard the advice of their older peers. I’ve known this cliché for a long time, even at… read more
The Enjoyment Of Pleasures
The student of philosophy often finds himself navigating perilous waters. Some of the great writers in the field, ancient and modern, were depressing or abnormal men, who consoled themselves in… read more
How To Manage Your Wealth (According To Cyrus The Great)
From Cyropaedia: Indeed, a saying of [Cyrus] is handed down comparing a good king to a good shepherd—the shepherd must manage his flock by giving them all they need, and… read more
Your Independence Is Not For Sale
There was a time in my life when I did not fully appreciate the value of personal independence. I was unduly enamored by the idea of security and safety: it… read more
Man’s Most Valuable Possession
The poet Phaedrus (c. 15 B.C.- 50 A.D.) was a Roman slave who is credited with collecting various fables that were current in his time and rendering them into simple… read more
Surely You’re Joking
I just finished a book full of game advice, written by a keen social observer passionate about sharing his knowledge with others. The author raves about his travels in Brazil,… read more
The Art of Negotiation
So much ink has been spilled over the years in discussing negotiating that I was somewhat reluctant to add my thoughts to an already overcrowded marketplace of ideas. But in… read more
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