Two Reasons First Impressions Aren’t As Important As You Think
We are told so often that people form initial impression of whoever they meet within the first few seconds. It’s been suggested that hiring managers decide whether they will hire… read more
6 Logical Fallacies You Can Expect From Feminists And SJWs
Logic and reason have never been the strong points of feminists and the social justice crowd. Really, we are truly overwhelmed by how often they slander, sabotage, and twist around… read more
6 Things I Learned From An American Terrorist
Eric Rudolph is a convicted murderer currently serving time for several bombings including the 1996 Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta. Living on the run in the woods of North Carolina… read more
3 Problems Where We Must Treat The Source And Not The Symptom
It’s easy to look at the surface of the major issues we see around us and deal with personally. However, it’s much harder, yet so much more effective, to look… read more
Women Only Want To Attach Themselves To Your Status
“Like millions of people across the globe, my husband and I are outraged and heartbroken over the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian girls from their school dormitory in the… read more
One Way To Defeat Your Social Anxiety
There is an all-to-common condition (affecting 20-25% of people) that is a thorn on the side of any man who wants to conquer his destiny, and achieve greatness in life… read more
5 Things Every Man Under 30 Needs To Know
Gentlemen, Today is my 30th birthday. Rather than feel morbid and depressed on this day as many in our culture do, I’m celebrating the gift of life, reflecting on times… read more
This Is Why Every Man Needs A Mentor
Being a man is truly awesome, especially in this day and age. You get to play with awesome new gadgets that our ancestors couldn’t even dream of. In fact, you… read more
Why You Need To Appreciate The Time You Have
“The Trade-In’s” is an episode of The Twilight Zone that originally aired on April 13, 1962. You can watch the episode here. “The Trade-Ins” is a wistful and sentimental episode about an… read more
4 Compelling Reasons You Should Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Men
I live about a 15 minute walk from the headquarters of Mozilla, Twitter, Salesforce, Yelp, and Charles Schwab, among many others. The main campuses of Yahoo, Google, Apple, and Facebook… read more
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