7 Ways To Step Your Game Up
In your quest to become the best man that you can be in all areas of life (including game), I have distilled many of the best practices in the manosphere… read more
It Doesn’t Matter What Women Think Of You
There comes a time in every player’s journey–generally towards the very beginning–when he realizes that women’s collective perception of him is not favorable. Recall that most women will treat a… read more
A Man Apart: The Labors Of Pliny The Elder And His Demise At Vesuvius
On August 24, 79 A.D., Italy’s Mount Vesuvius exploded in one of the largest volcanic eruptions in European history. For two days, the mountain disgorged millions of tons of pumice,… read more
11 Things I Learned In 2014
2014 was a big year for me personally. I learned a lot about myself, and view it as a sort of mini-awakening following my true awakening a few years back when… read more
How Jungian Psychology Can Make Your Life Better
MBTI and Keirsey and others are mostly post-Jungians who distorted his psychology into something more “pop” by reducing it to a marketable version made up of four letters that are supposed… read more
The Timeless Wisdom Of Louis IX
Perhaps the most sincere and guileless of medieval chroniclers was France’s Jean de Joinville, the Seneschal of Champagne. He lived from 1224 to 1317, reaching a maturity of worldly experience… read more
As We Race Towards The Void
In my most recent adventure I ran into “Keith.” Keith was a 44-year-old man, but was in better shape than most 23-year-olds. Riped, handsome, and a participant of jiujitsu, I… read more
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge: On The Beauty Of Life
2Wycked: I highly recommend you watch the embedded video first before I summarize the short film. It truly is a beautiful piece of cinematography. “An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge,” aired… read more
The New Bachelor’s Handbook
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them” ― Marcus Aurelius Today If you are reading this; luck would have it that you… read more
A Simple, Effective Way To Review Your 2014
A close friend of mine and I exchange biweekly emails reviewing our progress and performance of the past two weeks. It serves as a way to keep each other accountable… read more
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