Beware The Girl Who Actually Likes You
Wisdom, unfortunately, is a lot like technology. You may have the pieces and necessary components to allow for a great technological achievement, but you don’t know where they are, nor… read more
The Inevitable Gap Between Theory And Practice
There is a gulf between theory and practice. It can be a simple matter to know how to do something in the abstract, but actually implementing the ideal is quite… read more
The One Problem With Wisdom
The whole concept of wisdom is a simple one: Tell younger generations about your experiences and mistakes so that you may save them decades of lost effort, not only drastically… read more
10 Life Lessons From Louis XIV
Louis XIV was King of France and Navarre from 1643 to 1715. His reign was one of immense transformation. France emerged as the leading power in Europe, not just in… read more
How Our Enemies Can Help Us
A few days ago, a friend was talking to me about some injustice he had suffered from one of his enemies. He was justifiably furious at having been wronged. While… read more
What I Learned From A Weekend Of Forgetting The Red Pill
Presumably, many of you found your way to the Manosphere after a particularly crushing failure with a woman. I am no different. Simply put, I closely followed the beta-provider-chump playbook… read more
The Difficulty Of Understanding Other People
“Simple and faithless as a smile and shake of the hand.” —T.S. Eliot You recently had a job interview that, like the fancy dinner date from last weekend, you believed… read more
How To Forgive Your Family
Mainstream sources often paint parents as beyond criticism, but most men had different childhood experiences than the picture perfect image created by Hallmark. I’ve written about the problems of American… read more
14 Things That Happen As You Grow In Worldly Wisdom
We seek self-improvement in many areas: in physical fitness, language proficiency, travel, stimulating intercourse with women, professional advancement, and in growth of character and worldly wisdom. Our premise is that… read more
Do Someone A Favor By Criticizing Their Faults
Modern society teaches people to rarely if ever criticize another person. When people are in mentor positions where they have to tell a pupil how they are doing, they are… read more
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