Let Hard Experience Be Your Teacher
At 21, I looked back on my teenage self and said: “I thought I knew something about life back then—what a young fool I really was!” At 27, I did… read more
The Value of Self-Reliance
The world is always the same in that nothing is so constant as self-interest and the pursuit of pleasure. This truth never surprises. But one thing always does, and that… read more
The Golden Rule Works
First a little disclosure. I’m a minister. Let’s try that again. I’m a prison minister. We are trained theologians who work in a dangerous environment. We often come from diverse and unpleasant… read more
The Most Civilized Frenchman Of His Era
Michel de Montaigne ranks among the wisest and most urbane figures in literary history. In an age of intolerance, religious fanaticism, and warring dynasties, his was a voice that cried… read more
What A Cult Leader Who Think He’s Jesus Can Teach Us About Humility
“Do not try to be superior to the people around you.” These are the parting words of Vissarion, a Russian cult leader who believes he is the Second-Coming of Christ,… read more
An Old Man’s Perspective
Ever since having an online presence outside of Facebook, I have not come across others in a similar position. During my month-long absence from Return of Kings, I paid a… read more
The World Will Teach You
My grandfather used to have a phrase he would use when confronted with a situation that only wisdom and experience could fully explain. The world will teach you, he would… read more
25 Painful Red Pill Questions Christians Need To Ask Themselves
Part I – Scientific Repression 1. Do I not disagree that the Roman Catholic Church played a major role in repressing all major scientific and technological innovation in Europe for… read more
Lessons From Nikolai Gogol’s Nevsky Prospect
The story begins with a dramatic description of the Nevsky Prospect in Petersburg: the hustle and bustle, the fanfare, the luxury, the raucous street vendors, and of course the women. Then,… read more
The 6 Principles Of Effective Persuasion
Apollo Robbins might be the best pickpocket alive. This is a man who makes his living by gaining the trust of his targets before slipping off their watches, stealing their… read more
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