Women’s Studies
An earnest defense of John MacArthur’s chivalry.
French poets, in the eleventh century, discovered or invented, or were the first to express, that romantic species of passion which English poets were still writing about in the nineteenth…. read more
Who is she teaching?
A few days ago CBMW Women’s Studies professor Mary Kassian published a new post titled Does a Husband have the Authority?* The post follows the Duluth model framing headship as… read more
Don’t tell women no.
Recently Zippy Catholic noted how shocking it was to see how vehemently the pro life movement opposes holding women accountable, or even discussing the idea of holding women accountable: …just… read more
Women’s Studies, complementarian style
I shouldn’t have been surprised to learn that there is a Women’s Studies professor on the CBMW Council: Mary Kassian, M.C.A.O.T. Homemaker, Author, Women’s Ministry Consultant Edmonton, AB, Canada Distinguished… read more
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