Wonder Woman
Nostalgia for the feminism of yesteryear.
Poking around The American Spectator site I noticed a piece titled Fantasy Women by Lou Aguilar, and one bit jumped out at me (emphasis mine): Leftist lunacy literally sped up… read more
Have faith in self esteem.
The dominant religion of our age is feminism, and feminism means placing your faith in self esteem. More specifically, feminism means placing your faith in women’s self esteem. The fundamental… read more
Friday afternoon entertainment.
Rollo Tomassi made me aware of a blog post by J. Lee Grady at charismamag.com that mentions both of our blogs. The article is Don’t Swallow the ‘Red Pill’. It is… read more
This is what a feminist looks like.
I thought I was done with Wonder Woman, but yesterday’s Wonder Woman Op Ed by Jessica Bennett at the NYT is too hilarious not to share. See the accompanying photo,… read more
A movie so feminist, it makes men and women cry?
Red Pill Latecomer pointed out that I left out the special women only viewings Alamo Drafthouse is holding for Wonder Woman, and the feminist outrage when the double standard was… read more
Rescuing Wonder Woman from the Ugly Feminists.
The LA Times has an article up describing how the cast of Wonder Woman downplayed the feminist aspect of the movie at a recent premier: Despite the obvious girl power… read more
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