Work & Money
How To Conquer Writer’s Block
If you’ve stared at a blank document and the words weren’t flowing, you’re not alone. Mark Twain sometimes had that experience in front of a typewriter, and Geoffrey Chaucer with… read more
How A 23-Year-Old College Dropout Makes $10,000/Month Trading Bitcoin
The following article is sponsored by Jon Anthony’s Bitcoin Millionaire. I remember the last job I had, before deciding to say “fuck all” and walk off into the sunset. It… read more
8 Lessons I Learned About The Free Market By Investing In Real Estate
Over the past year, this ROK writer has taken a leave of absence to pursue his local real estate market in Ontario, Canada. Starting out in November 2017, I have… read more
7 Tips For Surviving In The SJW Workplace
It should be no surprise to you that the modern work environment is now dominated by cultural Marxist/SJW culture. Unfortunately, there is almost no profession or industry that is safe… read more
How “Sexual Harassment” Evolved Into A Witch Hunt
Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Dan Quayle were in a spelling bee, and Quayle won because he knew that “harass” was one word, not two. So that’s an old joke,… read more
8 Steps To Mastering Money So You Don’t Go Broke
In the consumerist society that we live in nowadays, we are constantly being tempted by advertisements and the best marketing strategies out there to tempt us to spend our money… read more
How To Understand Your Needs When It’s Time To Invest In The Market
Becoming part of the manosphere state of mind requires us to (in most cases) become an investor. Stocks, bonds, real estate (both in vitro and in-vivo), business, and any other… read more
The Argument Against Absolute Free Trade
Free trade has undeniably improved the material condition of humans. Lower barriers to trade, along with improved technological efficiency and global supply chains, fuel a robust international economy, and have… read more
The Payday Loan Scam
There’s an interesting documentary series on Netflix titled Dirty Money. Each episode explores an issue relating to corporate greed. I’m not recommending the whole series (the first episode takes a… read more
6 Strategies For Beating False Sexual Allegations At Work
As men enter lucrative positions and ascend up the ladders of success, an increasingly common tactic to derail them is the malicious false allegation. Modern employment culture places masculine men… read more
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