Work & Money
The Real Reason Minimum Wage Must Be Raised To $15 An Hour
Recent wage increases in Seattle and New York have ignited a protest movement pressuring the federal government to enforce a $15 per hour minimum wage nationwide. Repeatedly, we have heard from… read more
What We Can Learn From The Costly Failure Of Al Jazeera America
The cable news channel Al Jazeera was born in 1996 in the small principality of Qatar. It was nothing less than revolutionary for the world of Arabic media. It dared… read more
How Human Resources Departments Are Ruining STEM Jobs For Men
Due to the infiltration of political correctness and diversity into most American job fields, it’s harder than ever for a man to get or hold a job. The last bastions… read more
Why A Cashless Society Is A Bad Thing
It will probably come as no surprise to readers to learn that Sweden, that paradise on earth, is leading the way into another Elysium of social “freedom” and “equality.” You… read more
Why We Should Strive For Mass Unemployment
The goal of an advanced economy in the 21st century and beyond should be mass unemployment, with one estimate putting the ideal number between 75-80%. Now that you’ve spit your… read more
10 Important Tips For Building A Great Website On The Cheap
The following article was sponsored by Alex Oni Imagine for a moment that websites were cars. It’s a well known fact that women prefer to be with men who drive… read more
Why Becoming An Adventure Guide Is One Of The Best Jobs A Man Could Have
Maybe you’re twenty-something years old and you don’t like yourself. You don’t know jack shit, you haven’t got any money or prospects, you can’t get girls, you’re unfit and unhealthy,… read more
How You Can Make Big Money Working On An Oil Rig
The following article was sponsored by Making Oil Money Yes oil has crashed. Badly. But there are still young guys right now who are making bank, traveling for large parts… read more
5 Reasons For Expats To Start An Offshore Company
The following article was sponsored by Nomad Capitalist The location independent business has become popular among globally-minded entrepreneurs for a reason: working while traveling the world allows you far greater… read more
Why Incubators Are Set To Transform Business Development In The 21st Century
The following article was sponsored by FDT Incubator If you pay any mind to Silicon Valley activity, you would’ve likely heard the buzzword “Incubator” by now. Perhaps you think incubators… read more
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