Work & Money
How I Experienced The Holy Grail Of Workplaces In A Polish Hospital
I’m a trainee doctor in the UK who self-prescribes the red pill. I happened to get a travel work placement at a major hospital in Poland earlier this year. That’s… read more
4 Reasons To Become A WordPress Ninja
The following post was sponsored by Alex Oni Among the many things we are taught by websites such as ROK is the need to boost our income sources. Whether it’s… read more
4 Reasons Why You Should Never Accept An Unpaid Internship
Last summer I worked at a major non-profit in Washington, D.C. with a host of other interns. From the interview date I made it clear I would work no more… read more
Channeling Your Pain To Help Yourself And Others
The July 2015 issue of Outside magazine has an article about an Oregon entrepreneur named Chad Brown. I liked the article and thought other readers here might find it useful… read more
5 Reasons Not To Make Retail Your Career
As a college student I worked two retail jobs on a seasonal basis, and then for a short time after graduation. While these positions were horrible and never meant to… read more
11 Ways To Avoid Being Blindsided At Work
It is difficult for men to survive the gyno-centric workplace environments of today’s societies, complete with fem-centric workplace laws. Plus, this problem gets compounded in offices where a mangina is… read more
3 Ways To Optimize Your Return On Investment
The following article was sponsored by FDT ForexMaster Let’s rewind back to the fall of 2011. In public spaces (especially left-leaning cities like New York and Vancouver) a motley crew… read more
Can You Just Think And Grow Rich?
Mercilessly spammed all over the Internet, the gibberish ads beckon suckers into clicking them with the promise of easy money for a negligible amount of work done from the comfort… read more
Why Anglo-American Women Are Terrible Financial Investments
By now, we all know that in most cases Anglo-American women do not make very good wives, mothers, or responsible members of society. That’s, of course, according to the opinions… read more
3 Ways A Liberal Arts Major Can Start A Badass Business
The following article was sponsored by BADNET Ok. You got screwed by a bad degree. And you’ve heard it from everywhere by now. “Your degree sucks!” “Go back and get… read more
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