Work & Money
4 College Mistakes You Should Avoid
A lot of people seem to be setting themselves up badly for life. The amount of stories I have heard about (usually art history, womens studies, philosophy, etc) grad students… read more
Is A Blue Collar Job for You?
Several ROK writers have offered the trades as an alternative to the debt slavery of a college degree. Instead of sending out sixty resumes a week you can walk into… read more
How To Get Paid What You’re Worth
The following article was sponsored by BADNET Damn man, the job market is hard. You’ve got to contend with hordes of losers applying for the same job as you. You’ve got… read more
The True Return On Investment Of A College Education
A couple of weeks ago, a student at my high school stated a rather interesting thing that stuck with me for days. We were in economics class discussing “how worthy… read more
So Are We All Going To Lose Our Jobs?
It is one of the most enduring debates on the internet – will technology destroy our jobs? Along with outsourcing, technology has thrown many occupations into flux over the last few centuries. We’ve said… read more
The Biggest Mistake Ted Cruz Ever Made
The following article was sponsored by BADNET Ted Cruz, Hispanic-American and United States Senator, is one hell of a guy. Known for his fierce resistance to the Patient Protection and… read more
Why Able Men Should Cheer Every Job Eliminated By Technology
It is common to hear in the media or in casual conversation stories about jobs being eliminated or destroyed by technology. This process is almost always seen in a negative… read more
Why You Should Think Twice Before Attempting Day Trading As A Career
Most American guys reading sites like this long ago realized the best women are no longer found at home. Therefore, living overseas and supporting oneself via a remote work gig… read more
How To Know If You Should Take Out Student Loans
Last week, President Barak Obama announced a bill of rights for students who borrow for college, and promised that clarifications and increased repayment options were soon to follow. Reading between… read more
5 Cases Where You’ll Need A Professional To File Your Taxes
The following article was sponsored by Windigo Incorporated Income tax in America is a relatively simple process when your life is relatively simple. If you work the same job in… read more
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