Work & Money
Forbes Confirms Men Still Create The Vast Majority Of Personal Wealth
From news to movies to documentaries to education, there is a constant drumbeat. Girls are now the equal of men as movers and shakers in the world. Girls are beating… read more
Should You Quit Your Job And Follow Your Passion?
A quick look around the internet today will reveal an entire industry dedicated to telling people to quit their jobs, start a business and do what they love. Usually for… read more
Hire People With These 5 Traits At Your Own Risk
As a manager, supervisor, boss, owner, etc. it’s imperative that you hire the best and brightest for your organization. An employee is an investment. That investment needs to be properly… read more
It Takes Balls To Start A Profitable Blog. Do You Have Them?
The following article has been sponsored by BADNET Or are you are afraid because you don’t have any balls? It takes balls to start a blog. Here are three reasons why… read more
So You Want To Work On An Oil Rig?
Working on an oil rig is a great way to escape the 9-5 grind and build financial freedom. Ever since I published How to get work on the rigs on my… read more
Will You Fail At Blogging If You’re A Newbie?
The following post was sponsored by BADNET It seems like every article you read lately is about how you will fail at blogging if you’re a newbie. Is that true? Will… read more
11 Reasons To Start A Blog
The following article was sponsored by BADNET 1. You will develop a voice. When you have a voice you can make a statement to the world. The more you write,… read more
Why You Should Ask What’s In It For You
“People think that niceness equates to goodness, when the true motivator is selfishness”- Undisclosed, 2015 . Persistent knocking jolted me from two hours of dreamless sleep. I must have been more… read more
Why You Should Have A “Fuck You” Fund
Money can’t buy you love. Money can’t buy you health. Money can’t buy you happiness. But it sure as shit CAN by you a lot of other very important things… read more
The Good And Bad Of Teaching English In Asia
James Soller had an article a few months back on where to go to teach English abroad. I’ve been teaching in Asia for more than seven years now, so I want… read more
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