Work & Money
Permanent Unemployment Is America’s Permanent Future
I’m feeling very fortunate to have formal employment which covers my necessary expenses, with some leftover money to spare for rainy days or the odd spot of overseas travel. Being… read more
The Quest For Financial Independence In A Welfare State
I live in Finland, the country in the north that is known for Santa Claus, Nokia, and sauna. To be fair, I don’t really know how people from other countries… read more
How To Make Money Trading Cryptocurrency
If you have extra money lying around, you’d be surprised what you can do with it. With just a few dollars worth of Bitcoin you can start trading cryptocurrencies right… read more
5 Ways To Not End Up Homeless
In today’s unstable economy it is a very real threat for many men that they could lose their job, lose their savings, and end up living on the streets. According… read more
Modern Workplaces Demand A High Price For Promotion
Promotion Not Pay Raise For most men, there will come a time in their professional lives when they will have to ask themselves an important question: how much is advancement… read more
5 Reasons Writing Amazon Kindle eBooks Is An Effective Way To Make Money
About two years ago I published my first eBook on Amazon Kindle. I didn’t do it for the money. I did it simply because I wanted to publish a book…. read more
Determining The Value Of Intangible Benefits
How do smartphone manufacturers convince customers to buy their products instead of the identical products of their competitors? How do universities convince students to attend their classes when cheaper schools… read more
An Insider’s Guide To The Masculine Profession Of Software Development
It’s no secret that people in the IT and software engineering fields are in high demand. We’re willing to take a nebulous idea and transform it into something concrete, as… read more
11 Reasons Men Should Use Bitcoin
Though the internet has allowed artists to connect directly to their audience in ways never before seen, its freedom is under attack. Censorship is common, and the media routinely blacks out… read more
How Job Hunting Is Like Picking Up Women (And How It Isn’t)
At the most basic level, trying to score pussy is similar to trying to get a job: you are selling yourself. You need to stand out among the crowd, demonstrate… read more
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