Work & Money
The 15 Best Countries To Teach English
Teaching English abroad continues to remain a viable option for native English speakers who want to see the world and get paid to do so. With an ever changing global… read more
Economic Warfare And You
I was blasting some paper at the range one day, to practice to keep my pimp hand strong, when a man struck up a conversation with me. Usually the discussions… read more
What’s An Athlete To Do When It Comes To Rings Vs. Money?
Recently, NBA player Lebron James “shocked” the sports world by signing a new contract with his hometown, and nearly always mediocre, Cleveland Cavaliers. To do so, he ditched the Miami… read more
Do Not Work In A Job That Employs Women
Division of labor according to sex has been a feature of human societies since the beginning. There are even theories by some anthropologists that this division was what allowed Homo… read more
The American Dream Is Every Man’s Nightmare
The American dream. A house in the suburbs, two children, two cars, and maybe a family dog. It’s the image that’s been seared into the American consciousness via countless television… read more
Is Charles C. Johnson Ripping Off ROK?
One morning last week I was perusing my Facebook feed will sipping my Earl Grey tea. An article linked by one of my friends looked familiar to me. I clicked… read more
7 Things I Learned From Working With An Office Whore
One of my previous gigs (before I discovered the red pill) was in a multinational media firm predominated by women. In hindsight, I see that office as a soul-crushing nightmare… read more
Where Beta Males Are Polished To Perfection
Part of being plugged into the matrix is buying into the ludicrous myth that working in an office making $40,000/year with benefits and a 401K with stock options is the… read more
5 Things To Do Before You Lose Your Job
You may have got your current corporate job right out of college, or been there for 2 months or 10 years. It doesn’t matter. You are at risk and could… read more
4 Things I Learned From Copyediting My First Book
Among those of us who look to the internet as sources of side income, copyediting and copywriting are looked upon as solid but unsexy methods of making a bit of… read more
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