Work & Money
What I’ve Noticed From Being A Bouncer At An American Club
Despite having two college degrees, I somehow always end up returning to a weekend bouncer gig, which I have had on and off for about a decade now, at a… read more
My Adventures From Working As A Cook
In response to the recent call to ROK readers to produce positive articles on self-improvement, there have been some excellent entries of late. I had to cringe, however, at the… read more
You’ll Never Find A “Good” Corporate Job Like Your Parents Did
I faced a problem. I was receiving more e-mails requesting my advice or thoughts on various issues than I had time to answer. Some of them were actually quite presumptuous,… read more
Ignore The Unwarranted Hate Of Trade Jobs
During the last few months of my junior year at high school we were all sent down to the guidance counsellor’s office to talk about our future, because sixteen and… read more
7 Reasons Why Buying A House Is A Terrible Idea
Traditionally, a man buying and owning his own house was a major milestone in a man’s life along with marriage and having children. However, just like marriage I would argue… read more
How Hard Is It To Discharge Your Student Loans?
It is well known that students these days are drowning in debt. And there really isn’t any way around it, unless you’re one of the few who doesn’t have to… read more
We’re All Living The Human Resources Nightmare
“Mark, it’s Friday afternoon,” I said to my co-worker. “You’re off at 3:00pm and it’s 5:30, dude. GO HOME.” “I can’t,” Mark replied to me. “Uh, why?” “My wife isn’t… read more
5 Reasons Why The Gender Pay Gap Is Bogus
Years ago, I took a class in women’s studies. It started when I was talking to this girl at the campus bar: Girl: Are you a feminist? Me: No Girl:… read more
7 Things I Learned From Delivering Pizzas In College
I delivered pizzas through college for many years. Sometimes part-time, sometimes full-time. I have worked as a manager, but primarily was a driver. You learn a lot about the world… read more
3 Reasons Not To Become A Lawyer Right Now
The possibility of becoming a lawyer first began to appeal to me as a kid. I had some older relatives who’d entered the field (becoming judges, professors, and government ministers)… read more
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