Work & Money
Bitcoin Is Creating A New Class Of Millionaires
Right at this very second, the largest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity is underway. It has been going on since 2009, but it’s really picked up speed… read more
I Hope They Serve Beer In The Cloud
If you haven’t heard of the cloud, you’ve been living under a rock. Over past years, this has become all the rage of the technology world. We are slowly being… read more
Don’t Work For A Female Boss
My worst experiences in the professional world all share one thing in common: I reported to a female boss. Talk to most guys (and, frankly, normal women) and they will… read more
Worked To Death
There is no room for passion in the routinized settings which provide us with security in modern social life. Yet who can live without passion? Back when I was in… read more
Human Resources Have Absolute Power Over Male Workers
Names and minor details have been changed, but otherwise this story is 100% true: My friend Greg is an eminently employable fellow with a graduate degree in an in-demand field…. read more
Does Your Marketing Strategy Suck?
Yesterday, I g0t an e-mail from a local credit card processing provider that has been trying to convince me to switch from using Square over to them. I made it very clear to… read more
3 Quick Tips To Protect Yourself Legally
Being a litigator and dealing mostly with business related issues, I come across a lot of instances where either my client or the opposing client could have avoided a huge… read more
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
I guess common sense isn’t so common. In “I Will Teach You To Be Rich,” Ramit Sethi shares anecdote upon anecdote about people falling into horrible credit card debt keeping… read more
There Is No Hedge Against Inflation
You’ve seen him: an older man sitting next to a roaring fire or maybe  walking the grounds of his ranch or he might be  in a suit facing the camera…. read more
5 Things The Corporate World Taught Me
When I graduated college I was going thru a bit of an identity crisis, feeling neither Colombian nor American. It was then that I realized a much-needed time at home… read more
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