Work & Money
Are You Riding The Tim Ferriss Wheel?
Once upon a time, I was a Tim Ferriss groupie. Well, not exactly, but I did think The 4-Hour Workweek was the greatest invention since RU-486. When I first went to Barnes & Noble to… read more
5 Honest Hiring Tips From Someone Who Hires
After being an employee for as long as I can remember, a few years back I gave that up and started my own law practice. The result was I have… read more
Sales vs. Game
I very recently had to quit my job working in the door-to-door sales division of a major company, due to no longer being able to work full-time hours. From the… read more
Now You Need Game To Get A Job
Business Week recently published an article which discusses how you’re now being interviewed for much more than just competency and skill… Â Job interviews are becoming more like first dates. […]… read more
8 Essential Rules To Surviving The Workplace
If I won the lottery and spent the weekend flying my new personal jet around the world with bikini models while collecting rare artifacts from sites of historical interest, the… read more
3 Tips For A Successful Book Launch
Recently I launched Bang Ukraine and it was my best ever in terms of unit sales, even though I’ve put out much stronger work. If you’re launching an e-product launch… read more
3 Reasons Why The E-Book Money Train May Be Over
If you got into the e-book business when sales of the Kindle were taking off, you probably made quite a bit of money. There wasn’t much Kindle content available in… read more
5 Tips For Living A Location Independent Lifestyle
The worldâs leading freelance marketplace, Elance, recently released its new yearsâ prediction:Â 2013 will be the year of the freelancer. With more college students, underemployed people and retirees seeking supplementary income,… read more
Why Adopting A Frugal Mindset Will Hurt You
Several years ago I was knee deep in credit card debt while working a normal 9-5 job. To pay off that debt I spent a lot of time learning frugal… read more
Careers That An American Education Can Buy You
There’s a bit of selection bias at work in this video but Peter Schiff still makes a good point: a college diploma is not what it once was. It doesn’t… read more
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