Work & Money
Bullshit Degrees Are Scamming College Students
College once was an institution for educating society’s best and brightest to their highest potential. Later, a degree came to be seen as a guaranteed ticket to the middle class…. read more
10 Lessons I Learned From Henry Ford
Deferential admiration does little to serve ROK readers. Lessons from a prolific man of historical significance like Henry Ford however; are of great value. What can we learn from Henry… read more
4 Things You Need To Know About Cryptocurrencies
2017 was the year when cryptocurrencies became mainstream. Bitcoin lead the race and went from trading for under $1,000 in January 2017 to an all-time high of over $20,000 in… read more
How To Start An eBay Side Hustle
About seven years ago, I was approached by my brother with the opportunity to go 50/50 with him on buying 60 non-running motorcycles from an estate. He had sold moped… read more
Why Human Resources Hates You (But Not Her)
Human Resources hates you and the normal, hard-working, heterosexual guy next to you, but they love the drama queen over in the next cube. They set the stage so that… read more
12 Strategies For Dealing With A Bad Boss
In my last article, I discussed reasons why your boss sucks. That article may give some insight on the why, but most people are interested in what (to do about it). So… read more
8 Tips To Survive Working For A Female Boss
My boss is a superwoman: forty-something, single, thin, tanned, and short-haired. No children, of course. She hits the gym three times a week, she drives a BMW, and she has… read more
How Charity Organizations Are Scamming You Out Of Your Hard-Earned Money
I was recently employed to survey the structure of an existing building in central London for the design company that I offer my services to as a structural engineer. This… read more
LinkedIn Has Become A Social Justice Hellhole
Over the last years, LinkedIn has seen a surge in its number of users, becoming the go-to site for job searching and networking and reaching an astounding membership of 106… read more
How To Avoid Getting Scammed When Investing In Cryptocurrencies
A quick look around the Internet will tell anyone paying attention that something is going on. Something big. Just a couple of years back, hardly anyone had heard of cryptocurrency, and… read more
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