Work & Money
5 Reasons Why You Should Never Work With Women
Working with women will always end in disaster. Over the last five years, I have been working as a freelance for a little translation company owned by a woman. Everything… read more
How To Profit From The Emerging Incel Economy
It’s 2018, and the Incel Economy has never looked hotter. I’ve been bullish on the Incel Economy for quite some time, and 2018 looks like a year of massive financial gains…. read more
Bitcoin Proves That The “Glass Ceiling” Keeping Women Down Is A Myth
Bitcoin is further evidence that the “glass ceiling,” the idea that women are kept from reaching the ranks in corporations and in financial success because of a nebulous “patriarchy,” is… read more
What It’s Like To Work As A Federal Consultant For The U.S. Government
Despite the excellent work of President Trump, the federal government still has a huuuge number of employees, and even more contractors. For the record, I am not talking about military… read more
Should Young Men Enroll In The Air Force Academy?
The United States Air Force Academy, located in Colorado Springs, CO, is the Air Force’s premiere learning institution. Graduating approximately 20 percent of the Air Force’s new officers each year,… read more
Why All Men Should Invest In Real Estate
As a new year dawns upon us, it is self-evident that real estate has become one of the most profitable businesses in the Western world (the U.S., Canada, England, Australia)… read more
The “Free Market” Is A Myth
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. —John Maynard Keynes The dumbest thing that otherwise smart… read more
9 Easy Ways To Save A Ton Of Money
To take control over one’s private economy is alpha and not omega in a person’s life. There are multiple strategies to use in that regard. Some take larger risks in… read more
It Was A Nightmare To Return My Apple Airpods After I Discovered They Were Giving Me Headaches
A computer company that refuses to do email. That’s what you deal with when you buy from Apple. After a fiasco involving Apple’s AirPods spanning nearly half of a year,… read more
What It’s Like To Be A Personal Fitness Trainer
For those of my readers who have learned much from me and become true physical culturists, there may come a time when you decide to possibly profit off of your… read more
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