Work & Money
Japan Made Bitcoin A Local Currency, And Now It’s More Popular Than Ever
The following article is sponsored by Localvcoins. Since Japan made Bitcoin a legal currency, it has surged to over $15,000 USD. Mark my words, the days of the Rothschild banking… read more
15 Signs You Are Working A Bullshit Job
Some jobs are physically tough. Some are intellectually demanding. Some are milder, more in the middle, yet still useful. And then there are bullshit jobs: paper-shufflers, keywords typers, CAPTCHA fulfillers,… read more
Millennial College Graduates May Never Own Their Own Homes
In February of 2016, I walked out of my corporate job for the final time to my new life of freedom. I anticipated several years of being a poor digital… read more
8 Reasons You Have A Crappy Boss
Most of us are not freelancers, digital nomads or CEOs but employees, even if we can do freelance work. And I’m referring to myself as well. The most influential element in… read more
The High Cost Of Working 40 Hours A Week
I recently took on a month-long project that served as a corporate job simulator, a full decade after quitting my microbiologist career. This short project was a powerful reminder how… read more
How To Make Money Online
I finally did a new podcast. After sharing my personal background of making money online, I give a broad overview of how you can do it as well by sharing… read more
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do A PhD In The Arts And Humanities
A PhD is an 80,000 to 100,000 word thesis that makes an “original and significant contribution” to human knowledge. The arts/humanities include disciplines such as literature, classics, history, politics, philosophy,… read more
Experience Is A Harsh Teacher
The following article was sponsored by Mars Evolving. Have you ever had a goal in life, that seemed like it should have been within your reach, but no matter how… read more
When You Have Everything But Are Still Unhappy
I stomped on the gas pedal as the light turned green. Clutch out. Tires peeled. The throaty roar of the Mustang took over the cockpit. Clutch in. Second gear. 45 mph…. read more
Why You Should Move To Norway
Norway is known for its large oil funds, high standard of living, majestic fjords, and maybe a little bit too much diversity and progressivism for its own good (but at… read more
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