Work & Money
How To Free Yourself From Debt
Debt is like junk food—although best avoided, moderate quantities won’t kill you, but too much will creep up on you and make your life suck. It allows us to buy… read more
What It Was Like To Leave Canada And Work In Prague For A Danish Company
As a Croatian-Canadian with dual citizenship and several years work experience as a software developer, I have the opportunity to live anywhere in Europe I want. However, this realization only… read more
How Cryptocurrency Is Destroying The Jewish Globalist Banking Cartel
Gentlemen, I do not speak lightly when saying that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and File Coin, are the biggest financial revolutions since the creation of paper currency. If you’ve… read more
5 Reasons Women Deserve To Be Paid Less Than Men
For the past decade plus, we’ve been told day after day about the alleged “wage gap”. One might think that an issue as serious and widespread would have multiple layers to… read more
How To Make Your First $100 Online With A Simple Niche Site
The following article was sponsored by Pro Niche Site. Sometimes, it’s the simple things that can have great returns. In 2017, we have informational overload. As a result, there is… read more
How To Start A Local Labor Union
I was recently sitting down with an old acquaintance, and the conversation turned to his job. He works in construction, and was frustrated with the fact that during the last… read more
There Is No Such Thing As “Passive” Income
Most of my grandparents were born in the 30s or 40s. When I try to explain to them how I make my income, they can’t even come to fathom it…. read more
6 Tips For Long-Term Success In Corporate America
A fellow commenter on ROK requested I write an article for younger guys heading into the corporate world. My gut says to tell you “Don’t do it!”, but I realize not… read more
3 Reasons Why Copywriting Is The Perfect Red-Pill Career
If you’re still stuck in the 9-5 Slave World that the modern corporatocracy has become for most normal men, you’ve probably dreamed of a way out of the intolerable mess… read more
Why You Should Consider Investing In Crypto-Currencies
There has been a lot of talk about crypto-currencies in the mainstream media (lately, among RVF forum members) and I want to explain how it relates to men in a… read more
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