Work & Money
3 Simple Ways To Get Your Financial House In Order
Getting your finances in order is obviously not something you can do overnight. This takes time, temperance, and sometimes requires adjustments on the fly as the result of unexpected circumstances… read more
Two Principles Of Management You May Not Have Considered
There are a great many principles of management and leadership, and no book has yet been written that encompasses them all. But it is still good to state—and restate—them when… read more
5 Lessons I Learned Moving From Offline To Online Business
2016 was the year that I transitioned fully from the corporate jail cubicle to 100% online business and income. However, the part of the story that never is as glamorous… read more
How To Make A Living In A Foreign Country
There are better places to raise a family than the United States. Places with lower costs of living, better schools, and more intellectual freedom. However, one has to eat. The… read more
How To Survive Losing Your Job
At some point in your working life, chances are you will find yourself unemployed. With the average job now lasting four years, you can also expect to be unemployed multiple… read more
Shopify Review: They Erased Our Store From The Internet While I Was Fulfilling 55 Orders
To launch a Return Of Kings t-shirt shop, I decided to go with Shopify because of how much easier it is to launch than a self-hosted store. I signed up… read more
What It’s Like To Be A Welder
By day, I work in a scrap yard. It is not glamorous, but glamour does not pay my bills. In the evening, I teach in a welding program at a… read more
Why Every Man Must Take Control Of His Finances
The world that we live in is nothing like the world that our parents lived in. Back in the pre-globalization era, of roughly 1940-1990, it was completely feasible to expect… read more
5 Well-Paying Jobs For Men Who Dropped Out Of College
It’s no secret that more and more men are opting to avoid colleges and universities altogether. With false rape accusations at an all time high, SJW indoctrination posters surrounding every… read more
The Pitfalls Of Being A Digital Nomad
For all of the fantastic information about out there about how to become a digital nomad and live a life of freedom and independence—there’s rarely any content about the downfalls. Sometimes… read more
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