Work & Money
4 Ideas For Men Trying To Break Free Of The Rat Race
Gentlemen, we live in an age of unprecedented rapidity of change. The West’s infrastructure, culture, and technology have changed more in the past 20 years than they have in the… read more
Why Measuring “Demand” Isn’t Paramount When Planning To Start Your Own Business
I was talking to a friend the other day about business. We covered a lot of different subjects, but the conversation mostly revolved around how people start businesses. I thought… read more
What To Do If You’re Accused Of Sexual Harassment At Work
A man is beholden to the circles within which he moves. We are all obligated to obey the laws of our societies, and we are sometimes bound by additional rules… read more
How I Launch My Books For Amazon And Direct Sales
I want to share my strategy for book launches to help fellow indie authors. While no book launch is the same, what I’m about to explain applies to my most… read more
Should There Be Laws Against Platform Businesses Like Airbnb, Fiverr, and Uber?
“Platform businesses” have been all the rage for years now. The general idea of a platform business is that it provides an opportunity for a buyer and a seller to… read more
10 Ideas For Starting A Business If You Don’t Have A Lot Of Money
With the price tag for a college education climbing to ridiculous new heights, and with the glut of baristas sporting college degrees clogging up the traditional job market, it really… read more
3 Simple Rights You Should Have As A Businessman
Once upon a time, the United States was a land of astounding entrepreneurial activity, relatively free from the shackles of government red tape and absolutely no social justice intrusion on… read more
13 Alternatives To Attending College Or University
So, you’re about to finish high school and you’re wondering what you should do next to start off your journey into adulthood. You look around at your peers and they’re… read more
How To Create A Masculine Economy
I recently bought Roosh’s new book, Free Speech Isn’t Free, for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, I was very interested in learning exactly what happened to him in… read more
How You Can Become A Millionaire
As late as 1970, almost half of all jobs had a pension—a guaranteed income you would receive upon retiring after working a certain number of years in your field. Combined… read more
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