Yahoo Answers
It would be immoral *not* to blow up her family.
Bell has a difficult marriage and turned to Yahoo Answers for advice: I want out I can’t take him any longer? We have been to counseling and he stopped going…. read more
Mystery solved.
Angelica at Yahoo Answers asks: Why are young men oogling me? I am a woman in her mid-30s and decent looking. Decent, not drop-dead gorgeous by any means. Anyways, I… read more
Why wouldn’t he take her call when she was drunk?
A woman on Yahoo Answers asked yesterday why a guy she is interested in is acting so strangely. She was out drinking the other night and called him when she… read more
How to undermine your parents’ marriage for fun and drama.
Very often the whispers come from within your own family. Sometimes they come from mothers to daughters, and other times they come from daughters to mothers. “She” at Yahoo Answers… read more
Romance 101: How to stop frustrating your wife.
One of the common questions on the Marriage and Divorce section of Yahoo Answers comes from husbands who don’t understand why their wife is reacting negatively to their romantic gestures. … read more
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