You can’t make this stuff up
Fake news: Women over 65 are in the SMP power position.
The Globe and Mail has a feminist boiler plate article up implying that women over 65 are in the SMP power position: The new reality of dating over 65: Men want… read more
It would be petty to point out how petty they are.
New Monopoly Game Gives Women More Money Than Men read more
Proverbs 31 princesses
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And calling to him a child, he put him in… read more
The future of gun control
The tweet from UK police that I included in my last post reminded me of the video below. Here in the US we are often reminded that other countries like… read more
Meet the sexist tools of everyday carry.
Steven T. Wright at Vox.com is troubled that there is a community of men talking about manly things. From Meet the men obsessed with carrying all the right stuff The Boy… read more
Trump and toxic masculinity.
The LA Review of Books has a hilarious article on toxic masculinity titled World War II’s Poisonous Masculine Legacy. The problem with World War II, according to the book, is… read more
Taking things too far.
What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists. This seems to be an artifact… read more
The season of singleness.
One of the biggest impacts of the sexual revolution and second wave feminism is the trend of women delaying marriage to focus on a combination of sexual promiscuity, education, and… read more
The joke’s on him.
Yesterday my wife had an ad pop up on her phone selling women divorce. I wasn’t able to find the online version of the ad, but with some digging found… read more
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