You can’t make this stuff up
Not like the movies.
Huffington Post Divorce warns its readers that dating after divorce tends to be a letdown in The 11 Worst Pick Up Lines Divorcés Have Ever Heard: Thinking of jumping back… read more
She’ll cut their balls off.
There is a rumor going around that Trump is considering Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst for the VP slot. People magazine writes: Who is Joni Ernst? 5 Things to Know… read more
A coat and a hairstyle.
Elizabeth Holmes is part of a storied tradition of feminist pioneers who were willing to do what it takes to be like trailblazing men. Holmes of course has patterned herself… read more
What else could they want?
Vox Day has a post today about Forbes revising its net worth estimate for Elizabeth Holmes from $4.5 billion to zero. Yet from this article it is clear that Holmes… read more
He didn’t know it was her turn.
We can get an idea of where feminists want to take converging domestice violence and rape laws from two recent articles about laws in Sweden*. Celia Farber at observer.com explains… read more
She brings a perspective you cannot bring.
Jen Wilkin explains that male pastors need women to preach to women because: She holds an authority you cannot hold. She brings a perspective you cannot bring. I wrote about… read more
I’ll take this as confirmation that Trump is alpha.
From the Daily Mail: Woman who accused Donald Trump of trying to rape her and turn her into his ‘sex slave’ says she would now vote for him Ms Harth… read more
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