You can’t make this stuff up
Nagmeh warns Christians not to be seduced by the desire for attention.
I had planned on changing the subject, but haven’t had time to write the next post I plan on writing. In the meantime, the Christian press continues to feed Naghmeh… read more
Is “The Force Awakens” too feminist?
It is often quite telling to compare the opinions of feminists and traditional conservatives on current issues. This is certainly the case in comparing the views of feminists with the… read more
Fantasy Land
As I wrote on Friday, the CBMW’s response to the generations long push by feminists to insert women into all parts of our armed forces is to pretend that something… read more
Onward feminist progress!
Vanessa Friedman of the New York Times is ecstatic, convinced that the new Pirelli calendar featuring 12 months of feminists is a sign that we are finally creating a New… read more
God’s secret plan for every married man’s life.
Magnus asks I wonder what Dr. Hegstrom and the Davissons would say to a genuinely abused man: A man who has been denied sex for years, has been emotionally manipulated… read more
Way ahead of you
Commenters pacguy and Jonadab-the-Rechabite both point out that by the definitions of abuse from Life Skills International and FotF wives are regularly abusing their husbands, and they are very often doing… read more
Did he take notes?
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they… read more
He’s begging you; don’t forget the beta bucks!
Yesterday Instapundit linked to a piece by Mark Judge titled How Feminism Created the Manic Pixie Dream Boy. Refreshingly, Judge isn’t jumping in with the standard Traditional Conservative complaint that… read more
She’s keeping her vow
Not her marriage vow, but the vow she made to God when she asked Him to help her break her vow to God. Since He helped her break her vow… read more
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