You can’t make this stuff up
It was time to settle for a boring loyal dude.
Filed under the category of Losing control of the narrative, I bring you Why It’s OK To Settle In Romantic Relationships – Refinery29 When I met my now soon-to-be fiancé,… read more
Complementarianism on women in the military.
Biblical complementarity is not fundamentally about what opportunities women must forgo, but what responsibilities men must take up. — Dr. Jason K. Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary As… read more
Valentines for the pearl of great price.
Fitting for our times, I saw the following Valentines Day cards at a local supermarket: Dump that zero and get yourself a hero! I also saw this card, which is… read more
Chivalry Game: How to negotiate desire.
What we commonly know as chivalry and what literary scholars call courtly love has two aspects. One is a religious/moral philosophy, and the other is a method of seduction (game). … read more
I wonder who he has in mind?
As I’ve noted before Pastor Sam Allberry has pushed for Christian families to give gay Christians like himself trusted access to our children. Via his Living Out Church Audit he… read more
Songs of praise.
DC Larson at American Thinker notes that the creator of the Gillette ad takes a different approach when marketing products to women. Instead of telling them how awful they are… read more
Fifty shades of Lancelot.
As I wrote in What is the blue pill? chivalry is a mockery of Christian sexual morality. What was pure was portrayed as perverse, and what was bawdy was portrayed… read more
Not tired enough to stop.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. –Dalrock’s Law of Feminism Jessica… read more
First she wanted a wedding, then she wanted a divorce.
Her story would be cliché if her now ex husband wasn’t a pirate ghost. From People Magazine Woman Who Married 300-Year-Old Pirate Ghost Announces Their ‘Marriage Is Over’ Eventually, Teague… read more
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