You can’t make this stuff up
Experts at failing.
The Other McCain has a post up about a woman (Julia Baugher) whose profession is giving life advice, even though her own life is an absolute train-wreck. The post titled Fame… read more
Sounds like she squeaked one past him.
Huffington Post had an article last week about Amy Schumer’s 6 month wedding anniversary: Amy Schumer Celebrates Marriage Milestone With A Fart Joke, Of Course “Married 6 months today,” she… read more
What millionaire doesn’t dream of having children with a 47 year old divorcee with three kids?
From where else but the Daily Mail: Divorcée, 47, seeking romance on dating agency which promised the ‘crème de la crème of bachelors’ WINS £13,000 in court battle after it failed… read more
Mad Dog Chandler on Toxic Masculinity.
The #metoo era is dangerous because the rules of what is permissable are very quickly changing. This is especially dangerous for complementarians because complementarians earn their living in the margins… read more
What happened to our men that our women are forced to have such big dicks?
As I noted the other day, the latest incarnation of ugly feminism is women claiming to have dicks. The BBC has jumped on this trend with an article titled Big… read more
A picture of Southern Baptist marriage.
If you’ve ever wondered what a “complementarian” Southern Baptist marriage looks like, wonder no more. Behold, the Servant Leader: H/T Cane Caldo read more
Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.
From 5 Father’s Day Gifts for the Kick-Ass Single Mom in Your Life (emphasis mine): Father’s Day is just around the corner, so the internet is rife with gift guides and ideas… read more
Go ahead; try to make this stuff up.
I dare you. From Profs say female STEM grades don’t reflect ‘perceived effort’: Based on surveys of 828 STEM students, the professors conclude that female students believe they work harder than… read more
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