You can’t make this stuff up
I think he has earned a puppy party.
In Why Man and Woman Are Not Equal Glenn Stanton writes: The New York Times’s Gail Collins told NPR unequivocally that the most important primary finding of her brilliant book… read more
Pocket pouting
One of the greater misconceptions about feminism is that men can fix the problems feminists are complaining about. What isn’t understood is the base impulse, envy of men and the… read more
That’s quite a nasty woman problem you have there.
Emma Lord at Bustle doesn’t want women to suffer in silence, so she is challenging women to speak up about their nasty woman problems. So, fellow women of the internet:… read more
Do as you please with their wives, so long as you respect her in the morning.
It has been telling that Republican outrage over the audio of Trump describing his attempt to cuckold other men is almost entirely focused on the fact that Trump spoke crudely… read more
She didn’t stick the landing, and she won’t leave the floor.
When Eat Pray Love came out, it appeared that Elizabeth Gilbert had successfully navigated her way through steps 1-8 of having it all. But to succeed in this game of… read more
Why can’t women do pull ups? It’s a culture thing.
With the news coming out today that the sole remaining female Marine has dropped out of the Infantry Officer’s Course (CNN, Marine Corps Times*) it seems like a good time… read more
Feminists longing for the good old days.
Camille Paglia has famously argued that “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.” Yet even this is likely too optimistic. As… read more
She isn’t impressed.
Drudge has a link to a story about a Texas man on vacation in Tennessee who called 911 after his wife was squirted with water by a Hibachi chef (as… read more
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