I wanted to thank all of the bloggers by name who assisted in getting the word out on the Match.com series Single in the Suburbs. Even though google is now suppressing the page from likely search results, with your assistance we succeeded in getting the word out. Sunday was the busiest single day this blog has ever had, with 3,539 hits. As I said before, I truly am overwhelmed by the help other bloggers have offered here. Given the number of people who now know about it, the information will undoubtedly spread regardless of google. The information we share in the manosphere has a way of trickling out to the wider web, and I have no question that the same will happen for this case.
If you linked to the page and I have left you off the list, please do me a favor and let me know so I can correct the omission. To my readers I’ll ask the favor of checking out some of these blogs, especially if you aren’t already following them. If you find you like one of these as a result, please leave a comment here as well.
- In Mala Fide
- Captain Capitalism
- Elusive Wapiti
- Hawaiian libertarian
- The Badger Hut
- Hidden Leaves
- Solomon II
- Game for Marriage
- Le Cygne Gris (Simon Grey)
- Gaming My Wife
- The Private Man
- 28 Sherman
- Amateur Strategist
- Girl Game
- Anarchy in Athens
- Game For Omegas
- Freedom Twenty-Five
- Dark Brightness
- Foseti
- NSFW Seduction
- The Unambitious Male
- Occultrick
- Finndistan
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