The Battle Against Feminists In Montreal Continues With Operation Revelation

The Battle Against Feminists In Montreal Continues With Operation Revelation

On Wednesday I introduced Operation Medusa to fight back against efforts to censor my Saturday speech in Montreal. It was such a rapid success that we can move on to Revelation, as I write this from an undisclosed location in North America.

I have received credible tips from insiders that feminist protesters in Montreal on Saturday will attempt to find the alternate venue where my speech is being held by loudly stampeding through downtown Montreal with two objectives: (1) to challenge men to physical confrontations with the intention of falsely crying assault, and (2) to take photos of mens’ faces to upload online.

Operation Revelation is a defensive operation to infiltrate all feminist protests on Saturday afternoon, take video of the crowd under the guise of being a fellow protester, and then have videos analyzed to identify the key ringleaders of the protest who make statements or actions showing they intend to break Canadian law.

This operation is open to men and women. All Montreal residents who don’t agree with a small group of mentally ill freaks deciding what type of speech all of Canada can hear is encouraged to participate. Take part in this operation not just because you support me, but because you support legal speech in Canada without interference by extremists on the far left.

Step 1

Join or monitor the public Facebook group that is organizing the potentially illegal protest.

Date: Saturday, August 8, 2015
Time: 12pm
Location: Norman Bethune Square (Downtown)

The Battle Against Feminists In Montreal Continues With Operation Revelation

Step 2

Attend the protest with a fully charged camera and an outfit that looks like a person who has nothing going on with his or her life. To fit in seamlessly if you’re a man, dress like a homosexual hipster (i.e. male feminist). If you’re a woman, gain 30 pounds, dye your hair red, get three cat tattoos, and wear ugly clothing (i.e. contract Lindy West disease).

Step 3

Pretend you’re a protester by sharing your hatred of patriarchy, “rape culture,” and masculinity while casually filming the proceedings with your phone. You have the legal right to film in public. Remember to film horizontally and not vertically.

The Battle Against Feminists In Montreal Continues With Operation Revelation

Step 4

Upload your raw footage to Dropbox or WeTransfer and email it to [email protected]

Do not challenge the protesters because they are mentally unstable and in all likelihood ready to use violence. Fit in with them instead, gain their trust, and film the proceedings casually. Your raw footage will be edited and shared online to help identify potentially threatening individuals. Private investigators will likely be hired to help with the analysis.

A lot of supporters will be attending my lecture at that time, so this operation will need the support of moderate Montreal residents who strongly dislike the radical left and their censorship agenda. (If I’ve met you before, we can exchange numbers so that you can inform me of the protesters’ whereabouts throughout the day on Saturday.)

It’s clear that the media establishment which is supporting the SJW’s, particularly the state-owned CBC, have no game plan on what to do if their targets decide to fight back. We now control the narrative, and they must react to what we do instead of the other way around. The support I’m getting from Canada is tremendous, and has allowed me to be within striking distance of successfully holding an event that they have desperately tried to shut down for the past two weeks. With your support, we can pull it off. Follow further developments by staying on top of my Twitter and the forum.

Don’t Miss: The Canadian Establishment Is Working With Feminists To Shut Down Roosh’s Speeches


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