The Case Is Building Against South Korean Women

The Case Is Building Against South Korean Women

A guy recently went to South Korea and didn’t have much luck with women until him and his buddies put down $1,100 for bottle service at the club.

Currently as of October 2012, the most happening night club is Octagon in Nonhyundong. Again, status is king here. I went twice this past trip: the first time I ran regular dance and bar game and got probably an 80% blowout rate, a few numbers, and one tiny makeout before the girl got pulled away by her friends to some other dude’s table. The next night, I swallowed my pride and bought a table with a couple of other guys. At 1.2 million won ($1100 tax/tip included) split four ways, it was roughly the same as an LA club (infinitely cheaper than Vegas though)… After opening girls on the dance floor, I’d say at least 50% came upstairs with us after finding out we had a table.

This man had to spend $275 just not to get blown out. How about day game?

Even if your Korean is super tight (mine isn’t, I speak at a 70% mark and I have a 2-100’s ratio) day game is not the way to go in Seoul. Korea is still considered the most Confucian country in the world, and that philosophy teaches strict hierarchies in society: people are taught from an early age that you should know the status of who you’re talking to, and if you’re some joker off the street, this totally goes against that mantra.

Another guy chimes in to say that while South Korean women are attractive, they’re hard to get in the sack:

they’re very sexually conservative, you’re not doing ONS’es there, in fact you’ll be lucky if you can bang her in under a month, and you’ll probably have to commit, at least in words if not deeds, to being her “boyfriend”.

Later in that thread you’ll find this:

I went out with this Korean chick the other day. We went to a bunch of places. Dinner, her college campus etc over two hours before I took her to a bar.

She would not even sit next to me at the bar because she thought it would be “too forward” to sit next to a man she had only known for 2 hours.

Even if you meet your dream South Korean girl, you’ll need to fork out a serious stack of cash to walk her down the aisle:

in South Korea a couple wanting to get married also needs cash, a lot of it – nearly $200,000, or more than four times the average annual income.

The sky-high costs stem from a combination of cultural traditions that mandate expensive pre-wedding gifts between families, such as mink coats and diamond rings, along with a decades-old custom that the groom must fork over money to provide a home.

The only compelling reason to go to South Korea is if you want to make some cash teaching English. If you go solely for the women, you may be disappointed.


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