The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

One interesting effect of the obesity epidemic has been an increase in the desirability of Asian women. Thirty years ago, nailing an Asian chick was a consolation prize for a white guy who struck out with his own kind. Indeed, in 1980 interracial marriage was fairly rare in the United States, with only 7% of all marriages occurring between people of different races. Nowadays, the intermarriage rate is 15% overall, but it is 36% among Asian females.

When Caucasian men marry Asian women, the couple is twice as likely to both be college educated and will make on average 20% more money than a white-white couple. Sociologists talk about all sorts of possible explanations: the desire of Asians to assimilate, the increasing acceptance of interracial marriage, the sexualization of Asian women as docile and subservient, the smaller penises of Asian men. All these explanations are probably wrong. I’m reminded of an old joke which explains the phenomenon of Asian women marrying white guys: Why does a dog lick its genitals? Because it can.

Thin Asian Girls are Upwardly Mobile

In our society, whites are at the top of the social ladder and people naturally want to marry up. In the past, when there were many fewer overweight white women, a man would just marry a thin white girl. Nowadays there are so few thin white females that men must look elsewhere. Because Asian women are substantially thinner than their white counterparts, it is only natural that their overall desirability would increase.

More importantly, when considering marriage, men have two great fears. First, that their wife will stop having sex with them and second, that their wife will get fat. Because even slightly overweight young white women are seen as likely to gain enormous amounts of weight during their childbearing years, a stick-thin Asian woman is even more desirable. The presence of many thin older Asian females in the population is evidence of the wise choice of marrying a young, thin Asian female. Look at any large group of 50-year-old women of different ethnicities. Among African-Americans, 90% will be obese, among the whites, probably 75%, but among the Asians, easily half are still thin.

Asian Women Have Become Popular… And Picky

Even ten years ago, I found that it was comparatively easy to date an Asian woman or get her to respond to me online. But now, they are becoming more selective. The nation’s white guys have figured out that the biggest risk to a lifetime of marital happiness is a fat wife, and the best mitigating strategy is to marry an Asian.

Some men will argue that it is not just thinness, but better personalities which are driving the increase in white-Asian couples. This may be true, and certainly my own anecdotal experience is that attractive Asian women, especially foreign-born, are more likely to exhibit wifely behavior than pretty American white girls, but without being thin, these Asians would not get much attention.

Another possible explanation is that there are substantial numbers of Asian women who have little to no interest in Asian men. I often hear this from Asian chicks, but I’ve heard the same from black women as well about black men. It takes white guys wanting to date Asian ladies to make this sort of coupling happen. Still, the fact that many Asian women don’t want to date Asian men does propel Asian girls into the white dating sphere.

Of course, some men have a negative view of Asian women and Asian culture generally. However, one should be cautious not to indict two billion women on the basis of two crazy psycho Asian ex-girlfriends. Casting aspersions on Asian women this way is relying on anecdote. Casting aspersions on white women who are three times more likely to be fat than Asians is relying on science.

Water Seeks its Own Level

This notion of non-whites marrying up and out of their ethnicity on the basis of a thin body was demonstrated to me dramatically when I was in an elevator at an area mall. In this case, the foreign ethnicity of interest was from India, but the principle was the same. In the elevator were two couples who did not know each other. The first couple consisted of a big, tall, fat, nerdy, doofus of a white guy with his slender, pretty Indian girlfriend. She was just all over him. Then another couple got on. He was a fit, nice looking guy from India with his fat, dweebish, unappealing white girlfriend. In virtually any other time in history, the white people would not be fat and they would be dating each other. Likewise for the Indians. But now with the obesity epidemic, everything had changed.

Although obesity has afflicted both genders equally, it has a strikingly disparate effect on dating desirability—only mildly hurting men but being absolutely drastic to women. Therefore, the fat white guy made the obvious and correct choice. Since there are so few thin white girls, he dated a thin Indian girl instead. The handsome fit guy from India, on the other hand, gains only a small advantage by not being fat. Since white guys are poaching the thin women of his ethnicity, he concludes that since he must date a fat girl, at least he’ll date a fat white chick.

One Asian Girlfriend Begets Another

The rise of Asian women functions like a positive feedback loop. As more white guys find they can’t date a thin white girl, they decide to branch out and try an Asian. Soon, they discover that Asian women make excellent romantic partners. Certainly there are trashy, slutty Asian girls, quite similar to the white club chicks who are often derided in the manosphere, but generally speaking, Asian women are of high quality, with strong sex drives, nice bodies, clean, top-notch pussies, intelligent minds, and good values when it comes to long-term relationships.

There are many men like me who initially did not pursue Asian women very much, but in the search for a girlfriend with a normal body, ended up dating someone Asian and realized how rewarding the relationship can be. As more men have that sort of  positive experience, it heightens their interest in future romances with Asians. Also, when you’re in a long-term relationship, you begin to forget about your partner’s ethnicity. You see your girlfriend as a specific individual, someone you love and care about, not as a member of any particular ethnic group. But if you are dating a fat chick, you never forget that she is fat.

This trend will only continue. With more white-Asian couples out there serving as role models, most of them college educated and upper-middle class, many young men will see this as a way out of the obesity epidemic that plagues their romantic lives. Asian women used to struggle with a dating disadvantage because of their ethnic features. Their eyes looked too narrow to white men, but almost no one talks about that anymore. When I was growing up, you heard lots of private jokes about funny accents and slanty eyes, but now, behind closed doors, the talk about Asian women is how much skinnier they are than the white chicks. Notes to Asian females: (1) Do not adopt our poisonous American diet, and (2) No one cares about the eyes any more. Save your money and don’t get plastic surgery. We’re looking at your thin waist and your little butt.

Photo Gallery

A man with 1 billion friends and $30 billion net worth married this Asian physician.

The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

This Academy Award Winner Married a Young  Asian Woman

The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

Laura Ling, a journalist and UCLA graduate was imprisoned briefly in North Korea. Pictured here with her husband Iain Clayton who works in finance. He is smiling because he got his thin Asian wife back.

The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

Rupert Murdoch (net worth $13 billion) has been married to this Asian lady for 12 years and they have two children. Money is a powerful aphrodisiac.

The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

These not so rich and famous couples all met on

The Dating Success Of Asian Women Is Due To White Obesity

Read More: Men Are Dropping Out Because Their Women Are Becoming Too Fat


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