In my last post I noted that there was no reference to Pastor Saeed in his wife Naghmeh’s Facebook post yesterday. However, I now see that Christian Today wrote an article in December about a Dec 16th Facebook post by Naghmeh where she also made no reference to him*: Pastor Saeed Abedini’s wife Naghmeh back on social media, says people musn’t confuse Jesus’ righteousness as their own
I also was surprised to see that she didn’t mention him in her Twitter/Instagram Christmas message:
Merry Christmas from our family to your! I am so thankful to be home with my babies celebrating our Savior’s birth. ❤Love you all! Isaiah 9:6
I also found some more background on the story which makes this all even more bizarre and disturbing. On Oct 21 she tweeted an instagram update explaining that she would not have any way to communicate with Saeed during the months of November, December, and January because his parents were going to be out of Iran and therefore not able to visit him. It isn’t clear the exact date she sent the email claiming Saeed was abusing her from prison, but early November seems like the best guess. Certainly all of these ugly allegations have been made public, and his wife’s astonishing move to erase him from the narrative, occurred during a time where Saeed is fully cut off from communicating with the outside world. All of this has also occurred during a time that his physical health is deteriorating quickly. On Oct 14th Naghmeh tweeted:
I spoke with Saeed’s parents today after their prison vistation with Saeed. They continue to be worried about Saeed’s health. They say it is deteriorating quickly. Saeed’s mom reminded me of my testimony in front of the congress (in June of this year) when I said that I did not know in what condition I would receive my husband and [sic] that father of my kids. It is hard hearing of Saeed’s health deteriorating, but today as I prayed I felt calm and peace knowing that God is in control.
*In both cases when the press wrote stories about Naghmeh’s facebook posts that excluded all reference to Saeed, the press stories still made at least some reference to him. I strongly suspect that Naghmeh will find her press coverage drops off dramatically if she continues to post updates that don’t involve Saeed in one way or another. She could probably revive their interest in the short term by offering more salacious accusations against her imprisoned husband, but eventually that angle will either become too absurd for even the press to continue covering or simply no longer interesting. Returning to writing about his suffering and imprisonment would be another way for her to return to the media spotlight, but interest in her husband’s persecution will be hard to revive after accusing him of sexual abuse. Naghmeh may very well have cut open the golden goose in her quest for attention.
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