I started to reply to this comment from Paige on Supply and demand in the marriage market, but decided to make this a post instead:
I have more respect for a man who Goes His Own Way than a man who pumps-and-dumps. The man-ho’s sexual exploits lowers the SMV of women and creates more bitter feminists. He pollutes the water that all men have to drink from.
I think I understand the emotional reaction this evokes, but logically I don’t see why a pump and dump is less ethical than other forms of uncommitted sex. If a woman wants uncommitted sex, she has to assume the risk that the other party will end the “relationship” before she is ready just like a man does. There seems to be an underlying assumption that women are the only ones with the unilateral right to end an uncommitted relationship at will. If not, why does this create such consternation?
See also:
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