Yesterday my wife had an ad pop up on her phone selling women divorce. I wasn’t able to find the online version of the ad, but with some digging found a picture of the same ad on a billboard here in the DFW area:
A key aspect of our disrespect for respectable men is our denial of the fact. If we admitted we have contempt for men who marry and work to support a family, fewer men would do so. After all, divorce theft isn’t an option if the sucker won’t agree to the bargain in the first place. So it is essential for conservatives especially to pretend that the business of the billboard isn’t really going on.
Our careful denial of the true nature of our new family model leads to interesting results. You can boldly sell divorce right out in the open like this, and your target audience (married women) will get the message while everyone else either ignores it or fails to grasp what they are seeing.
While searching for the ad I first found a discussion of another incarnation of the same billboard. This version was in Chicago, and only included the text. When a user posted a picture of the billboard for comments, a man in the discussion couldn’t understand the message. Divorce theft is something you fear, not something you look forward to:
I am a little confused. “Double your closet space” means more room in your closet, so that means your wife will take half of your belongings/things you kept in the closet. Which is no good. On the other hand, if you mean that taking a divorce=wife will go away and take her stuff out of the closet so you have more room, still doesn’t work because the point of hiring an attorney is to keep as many of the possessions as you can, not simply get rid of the wife.
For me the line doesn’t work (unless I didn’t get it), but the idea to say something clever on the billboard, and keep it nice and simple works great.
Another commenter explained that the message on the billboard worked quite well if you thought of it from the perspective of women. Notice that even while explaining the joke he pretends this isn’t what is going on:
This ad really isn’t gender specific, but if you’re having trouble imagining this from the perspective of a man, try imagining it from the perspective of a woman. Your husband moves all his crap out, you get more room for shoes and whatnot. And the point of hiring an attorney IS to get rid of the wife/husband, and while you may want to keep as many possessions as possible, you don’t want your wife’s shoes. This ad says you get the HOUSE, which is more important than any clothing. It also implies confidence that you’ll win your case, and it does it in four words :]
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