The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

Liberals like to prance around like they’re large and in charge of modern American society. Since long before the long, hot summer of 2016 when they burned down cities, to the early days of the Trump presidency in which they’ve been doing their best to create a modern witch trial with the Much Ado About Russia narrative, shitlibs have been figuratively poking a tiger in the eye with a stick and getting away with it. They’ve had incredible luck so far. But could that luck be about to run out?

Radical libs instigating the populace who live outside major cities never take the time to look in the mirror and realize they aren’t ready for a duel, as they are not the tigers they consider themselves to be. They’re nothing more than paper tigers playing with gasoline and fire. Let’s analyze modern liberalism as we size up our hammer and sickle wielding enemies.


The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

Ironically, Tim Allen had his popular ABC series canceled after discussing liberal tolerance in Hollywood. CMT could soon revive it

Modern shitlibs are a case study in psychological projection. Liberals project onto conservatives everything they hate but have become, only in reverse. They’re intolerant Christophobes. They’re anti-male. They’re anti-white. They’re anti-family. In other words, they’re little more than a hate group for traditional American and European men and tradition.

They’re the inverse of everything they see wrong with the world, but every bit as intolerant as the boogeymen they scorn. Liberals are no longer live and let live, they’re live and try to kill anyone that doesn’t want to live like us.

What’s particularly hilarious about the mental illness known as liberalism is watching their hypocrisy in action. For example, I passed through a New York restaurant over the weekend. I watched a white girl with technicolor hair bend over backwards to kiss the behind of a female Muslim wearing a head scarf as if she was a sacred cow. What? Doesn’t this “oppressed” woman represent everything the pink-haired freak is supposed to hate? Aren’t white girls like her supposed to be against patriarchy? Oh, that’s right: it’s only bad if the evil white boogeyman does it. Brown people can still be patriarchal.

Beyond liberals failing to realize the duplicity of their own narratives, Tim Allen spoke out about what it’s like living in “tolerant” Hollyweird and later, appropriately enough, had his popular comedy series unexpectedly cancelled by ABC. He told court jester Jimmy Kimmel:

You’ve gotta be real careful around here. You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ’30s Germany. I don’t know what happened. If you’re not part of the group, you know, “What we believe is right…”

Allen followed with:

I go, well I go I might have a problem with that.

Allen was shit-canned soon after for not adhering to the doxy of uber-liberal, politically correct ABC.

Liberals use political correctness to put conservatives into a straitjacket, one the right is increasingly refusing to be on as Tim Allen illustrates. These neo-fascists believe their worldview is the only correct worldview, and are becoming increasingly hostile to those who refuse to go along with their Utopian, Socialist fantasies.

They are the fascists they accuse the right of being, as elucidated by Jonah Goldberg in his book Liberal Fascism. Since they have no God to worship, they worship the state. Goldberg gives us insight into leftist myopia:

Fascism is a religion of the state. It assumes the organic unity of the body politic and longs for a national leader attuned to the will of the people. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure.

Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is part of the “problem” and therefore defined as the enemy. Contemporary American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism.

Intolerant liberals want to use the power of the state to crush every ideal they don’t agree with. They also want to turn the state into the legislative and executive branches of government into a figurative mommy and daddy.

Weakness and degeneracy

The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

A shitlib protester receiving a wedgie on the Berkeley campus is only the beginning of what’s to come if libs continue riling conservatives

Make no mistake, modern liberalism is a creed based almost entirely on weakness. It derives from an r-selected human environment, one created by K-selected conservatives. The biological r/K selection process morphing into the modern political process is detailed in the book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics.

The r-strategy is designed to exploit an environment where resources are freely available, everywhere.

A clusterfuck ensues once resources become available to unfit members of society who can obtain them from the producers by using the force of the state.

In r-selection, [the fittest members of society] will be out-reproduced by pacifists, who simply focus upon eating, and reproducing… This environment will favor a tendency towards conflict avoidance, and tend to cull the aggressive and competitive. It will also evolve tendencies towards mating as early as possible, as often as possible, with as many mates as possible, while investing as little effort as possible rearing offspring. Here, there are unlimited resources just waiting to be utilized, and even the most unfit can acquire them.

Now we know why there are fat slobs, cock-carouseling women, single moms, and sorry asses everywhere in modern America. They’re r-selected humans taking advantage of a free ride as they swipe out with their EBT card and take it home to their Section 8 housing.

Of course, when resources are freely available, the weakest members of society begin to overpopulate and crowd out the stronger members of society. We can witness this with the current maker vs. taker paradigm in the American economy, in which makers are worked up to 70 hours a week in increasingly shittier jobs with lower pay and vanishing benefits (often sacrificing forming their own families) to support the welfare class and women with five kids by five different dads.

One might ask: How does America still have negative population growth if r-selection leads to people breeding like rabbits? The answer is sickeningly simple. Abortion. Today, and every day, roughly the same number of deaths that occurred in the World Trade Center on 9/11 will happen in abortion clinics.

Over 43 million children have been aborted since Roe v. Wade in 1973, which is the equivalent to the population of Spain, South Korea, or Colombia disappearing from the face of the earth in just two generations. Abortion deaths also eclipse the 1.1 million war deaths of all American soldiers since the nation was founded in 1776. So, while liberals are indeed breeding like rabbits, they’re killing their offspring just as quickly thanks to the deft and bloody hand of social engineers who saw this juggernaut coming.


Cleaning house

The Liberal Reign Of Terror Is Coming To An End

When the time to clean house arrives, liberals will know it

They’ve had a nice run. But there are signals the liberal reign of terror will be coming to an end. Conservatives are increasingly taking a “don’t give a fuck” stance when it comes to liberal labeling, name-calling, and other games they play to try and keep the right in line. The election of Donald Trump to office (as much of a disappointment he is turning out to be to many) was the first sign that liberal narratives and media manlets have lost their influence.

Another, amusing sign the tables are beginning to turn happened on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, where the scarf-wearing Antifa group was humiliated by a group of Trump supporters. Heatstreet wrote:

In Berkeley a pro-Trump “free speech” protest was also held by members of various factions like Proud Boys and the alt-right. The two rallies quickly converged and turned into a bloody street brawl between anti fascist leftists and Trump supporters, which resulted in 23 arrests.

The Trump supporters are declaring victory after they managed to push the Antifas back and bust some heads in.

When the time comes, the leftists who think they have run of the place are in for some more unpleasant surprises. It takes a long time to rile the true, K-selected tigers on the right. But when the claws finally reach out at them, the paper tigers will quickly realize it wasn’t such a good idea to provoke the men who are the backbone of society.

Read More: Liberals Are Not The Enemy…But Liberalism Is


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