The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes

The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes

On Saturday, September 30, I went to the bank to withdraw some cash. It was the end of the month, when many people receive their wages and rush to the bank to make withdrawals. At the bank, almost all cash dispensers warned they were empty: only one seemed to work. I went there. The withdrawal attempt was accepted. The machine started counting banknotes, but stopped in the middle and finally rejected my card. I tried once again—same result.

As I needed some hard cash, I went to another bank. There several dispensers actually had cash. But now, the dispenser told me otherwise: I exceeded my allowed withdrawal limit and could not withdraw anymore. What the…? Had non-withdrawn money been counted as actually withdrawn?

Two days and several attempts later, I managed to reach a hotline support. At the other end of the line, some girl half-assedly explained that each of my attempts had been counted as a withdrawal, even as nothing was actually withdrawn from my account. “Oh, and you tried hard!” Well, of course, you idiot. This is my money, and as long as I did not actually withdrew it beyond the limit, I have absolutely every right to get it.

Apparently, the absurdity of this peculiar bookkeeping did not reach the weak neurons of my interlocutor. And she could not do anything as only my “personal” bank advisor, whom I have never seen, could cancel my dead-in-the-womb attempts. Guess female hypergamy does (mostly) not extend to being actually competent.

Several calls later, the so-called advisor could not be reached, no matter the time I would call at or the amounts of emails I would send. Thus I remained unable to pay for my bills during more than a week in spite of being financially able to.

The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes

This is not the only time I witnessed this kind of phenomena. If you are over 25 and traveled a bit, you likely went through it too. Upon your arrival on a new country, you reach your PayPal account and… get blocked because of where you’re connecting from. Then you must answer a ton of security questions, type a security code sent by SMS, and send a new passport photo—but you created your account years ago, so you forgot the answer to at least one of these questions, your passport is a new one, and your mobile phone subscription does not have a roaming function. You absolutely need some digital money, but you’re blocked—and your investing in bitcoin won’t give you the immediate availability PayPal boasts.  What will you do?

To be honest, PayPal is far from the worst. Their security proceedings are a pain to go through, especially when you have other, more interesting things to do. But at least you can reach PayPal human representatives from time to time. A friend of mine, who had his passport number rejected by the payment platform for an unknown reason (poor algorithm programming?), managed to get acknowledged anyway after an employee validated his passport scan. AirBnB is much worse. I had to cancel a weekend travel after that proverbial SJW-ran platform rejected my passport scan—and I swear I scanned it perfectly—then sent my asking for help to the “website community” instead of validating it by hand.

Automation has always been controversial. More than two centuries ago, workers called the Luddites destroyed factory machines because they feared these could make them jobless. Today, companies automate whatever they can in a never-ending quest to reduce costs. The more this happens, the worst everything becomes (except, perhaps, the shareholders’ already fattened purse).

Blue collars are reduced to fixing machines, white collars are now girls who babble endlessly in cushy offices whereas illegal or foreign workers do the real jobs machines cannot do, and customers get a crappy service from either non-human processes or wastes of oxygen. Talk about a better world.

The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes

Most FAQs state the obvious or expand on what you can already see in the menu. They seem to be written by two-digit IQ or robots for a borderline retarded public. “Community” people, on the other hand, are unpaid suckers who do the work actual employees should do, except that they have no access to the back office, which makes them unable to help when you need something as simple as a handful of papers validated by hand. (Did I even tell of the cat ladies and beta orbiters you meet in these forums?) Needless to say, these Internet roaches will almost always assume you did a mistake even when the malfunctioning of the company’s automated processes is glaringly obvious.

By a strange turn of fate, it seems like the more automated working processes are, the most degenerate humans get. Two centuries of factory work allowed the population to multiply, giving us a raft-of-the-Medusa-like world where space turned scarce, where normal Westerners are being replaced, where many Westerners embody various degenerative trends and where the mean IQ is under 100.

We did not need a world with so many automated processes and idiots. A less technology-advanced, less populous world would likely be a much better place. Men could be masculine, women could be feminine, and everyone could develop her own virtues instead of having to make stunts to get some attention.

SJWism and virtue-signaling are but distorted caricatures of true care and relationships. When narcissistic executives like Sherryl Sandberg get paid lofty wages so they can write self-celebrating books, do not wait for them or their employees to take care about you, no matter the amount of work you did or how much you paid. (And I’m not even talking of basic deontology or ethics. Companies should obviously care about their customers, of course, but even a free or a cheap service should not be an excuse to be uncaring assholes.)

The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes

Hello, I’m the Tikkun Olam Bank/PayPal/AirBNB/Literally Hitler, just let me crap on your face, you know there’s nothing you can do. Or can you?

The solution, I guess, is being self-reliable as much as you can. Stack cash. Grow your own vegetables. Trade with people you actually know. Form a network of friends, relatives, you can trust. Companies that are supposed to make your life easier have been hijacked: when they aren’t blocking you out of sheer incompetence, carelessness or outsourcing, they will spy on you, then join witch hunts. When you need actual attention, they’re not there—just as many Western girls you can ramshackle when your game is tight will be unable to actually relate with you if you want more than sex.

The post-human, trans-everything, fully automated anything does not make us happier. At bottom, the quest for outsourcing is fueled by sociopathy—just as the wish to cut down the costs by firing honest fellows when you’re already a multi-millionaire is the symptom of an unseemly greed. If an alt-bank, or alt-AirBNB, or alt-whatever emerges, with human representatives we can reach, I will happily join. Before that, I plan to rely only minimally on these services.

Good luck to those who build us an alt-grid.

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