This is one meme which simply will not die. On a logical level it makes no sense; why does nearly everyone feel so strongly that the carousel should be a forgiving, enjoyable experience for women? But on another level it does make sense that this meme is so hard to destroy. This is an idea that I would argue nearly all of us hold or have held at one point in time. It is something unchallenged, planted there fairly recently by the prevailing culture. No doubt generations prior recall watching this meme being planted and fighting against it then.
For the vast majority of people today including Christians, Christian leaders, and leaders of Christian leaders this is for all intents and purposes gospel. We need to face this; most of us either believe or have believed at some point that women have a right to enjoy their preferred path of promiscuity; anything which stands in the way of that path is nearly universally accepted as an injustice. The fundamental belief is universal, even if the manifestations of it vary. Many believe that women have the right to swing from marriage to marriage, so long as they can gin up a suitable pretext for divorce.
Many others believe that women must be ensured the experience of swinging from monogamous LTR to monogamous LTR in their teens and early 20s, until they decide one of those LTRs should be converted into marriage and/or motherhood. Commenter PA felt so strongly about this that he argued women who were in danger of being denied the full experience to which they were entitled should resort to any measures required:
I am around a lot of smart, attractive late 20s / early 30s girls who have long term boyfriends that to my best judgment are greater betas to lesser alphas, but no marriage or children on the horizon. Further, those girls are really wanting to get that ring and start a family. I talk to a few of them, and overhear conversations of others. The boyfriends won’t shit or get off the pot. And I want those girls to have children.
Seriously, those girls ought to tell their boyfriends that she wants to start a family, and to give him a way out if he is unwilling; And if he doesn’t take the exit door, to just get herself pregnant with him. I’d rather those girls have out of wedlock children than no children at all, especially knowing that the boyfriends would come around to assuming the responsibility of fatherhood.
It’s a tragedy that the “Knocked Up” movie is a model for girls who look like Katherine Heigl to not go extinct.
He elaborated his fundamental argument further down in the comments section. It boiled down to an argument that the last in a series of boyfriends for these women had somehow stolen her youth and therefore must pay.
Another manifestation of this view is that women should be able to have sex with men they don’t really even know and expect this to lead to marriage. We’ve seen this view in the outrage over Marcos’ con, and more recently over the claim by PMAFT that he is attending the Sunday Morning Nightclub (crass site warning).
It isn’t just women making this argument. I’ve seen this argument made by fathers. One MRA commenter on the great game debate started by pointing out how he had been chewed up by women playing by the new rules of the sexual marketplace (SMP), but then fretted that his daughters might not get to fully enjoy their own promiscuity. And besides, what if women don’t approve?
…I believe most mra’s at one point played the “game”as I once did. Then the game got old, I settled down with “the one”and when she got bored…I got burnt. I get to burn for another 8 years or so before those flames with burn out…
Having three daughters who are entering the dating years also scares me on the affects that pua’s will have on how they view men in the future. On that angle alone, I would tend to argue that pua’s do not help the mra’s……. what do they say about a woman scorned ?
Commenter Escoffier (after offering some excellent advice to women to stay off the carousel entirely) criticized Roosh at Hooking Up Smart for giving brotherly advice to his sister (and women in general) to avoid the worst parts of the carousel yet not working to make the carousel a kinder, gentler, more rewarding experience for women:
There’s something skeevy about all these game guys who nail anything they can but who would naturally feel very protective of their own sisters or daughters. Ideally, I’d like to channel that protectiveness into better behavior on their part, a la Kant’s Categorical Imperative (a concept I otherwise have no use for). But for now, that’s clearly a pipe dream, although it was part of the old order. Roosh at least is not a hypocrite. He knows what he’s doing and he tries to protect his own from it. It’s better than nothing and the implicit recognition that all this is very, very wrong is mildly encouraging.
I should clarify that I’m not making a moral justification for pickup artists. What I’m saying is they are on the same moral plane as the women who are having sex with them. Serial monogamy for women is no more or less morally justified than a pickup artist pumping and dumping and/or having a harem. Just as important, nothing I can say or do will ever make the carousel a safe place. Part of what makes alphas so attractive to these women is that they are rule breakers. Normal men with self control seem meek to these women because they aren’t in control of themselves.
The most bizarre part of all of this is while nearly all of us either do or have at some time taken the preferred form of promiscuity as a right owed to all women, there is no historical precedent to this in western civilization which I’m aware of. When besides now and maybe one or two generations back have women been generally free to have sex with one or more boyfriends before deciding one of them should marry her? Likewise when except in recent history have married women been able to expect to divorce when not haaaapy and marry another man? I’m not saying promiscuity never happened in the past, but today nearly everyone sees this as a divine right of women which needs to be protected at all costs. When in the past was this even a significant minority belief in the western world?
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