The terrible cost of make believe.

Vox has a post up at Alpha Game titled Equality has consequences linking to a breathless Daily Mail piece: Bouncer punches a woman in the FACE after she takes a swing at him in shocking video footage, but was it self-defence or ‘disgusting’ male aggression?

We live in a strange time, as while the Daily Mail is disturbed that a man would strike back when assaulted by a mere woman, we also are told that women must be allowed into all units in the military since they are able to fight just like men.  While the Daily Mail complains about a weak man screwing feminism up by defending himself from a kickass gal, NBC News is reporting that Norway now has an all female special forces unit* where the women are just like the men:

…the female soldiers are just as capable as their male counterparts.

At the same time our entertainment is filled with images of kickass gals single handedly beating up groups of men.  Unfortunately, with even our armed forces getting in on the fantasy, many women don’t understand that this is just make believe.  This leads to tragic outcomes as women attempt to act out the feminist fantasy;  instead of beating up men they wind up dead or seriously injured.  Several years back I wrote about a female Marine in Iraq who died after attacking a Navy Sailor.

…she had been spending downtime with other Marines and a group of U.S. Navy sailors when one sailor snarled, “Marines ain’t shit” at them.

Enraged, Annie rushed the sailor. “I’m going to show you what a Marine is!” she shouted, and proceeded to knock the much larger rival to the ground.

According to the investigator’s account, the sailor then jumped back to his feet, grabbed Annie, and body-slammed her. Her head whip-lashed onto concrete.

The scuffle was broken up by witnesses, and Annie retreated without seeking medical attention. But within a few hours, she complained to commanding officers and fellow Marines of a headache. The next day, she was dead.

More recently Vox wrote about a college age woman who punched a man on Halloween and ended up in a coma after he punched her back.  Nearly six months later, the young woman is still in the hospital.  Her aunt maintains a public facebook page where she posts frequent status updates, including this one from yesterday:

Update. Emily continues to have good days and bad. The neurosurgeon at NYU are looking over her case, and we hope to get ideas from them on what to do next. Right now though she still has the external drain in which they are draining fluid continuously. All the fluid tested from the drain showed no signs of infection. I am currently having discussions with her neurosurgeon on where to put the shunt (pleural space of her lung or abdomen) when we do put it back in. She remains weak on the left side especially her arm, but continues to receive therapy daily to help with strengthening. Her appetite is poor lately and they are feeding her continuously right now via the feeding tube in her nose, but they do continue to try and offer her food throughout the day. The nurses did take her outside yesterday, and she enjoyed getting some sun. Hope you all had a Blessed Easter with your families. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!

This fantasy comes at a huge price, and that price will only get higher.

*HT Lost Patrol


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