It was my first year of undergrad. I hooked up with a girl and laughed in her face when she suggested we hang out again. Predictably, she got upset.
She went to visit her don (floor captain/residence adviser), and poured her heart out. In a sane world, they would have shared some tears, some hugs, and some sisterly advice to watch out for smooth-talking boys with a copy of Roosh’s Bang in their back pocket.
But this particular don was a gender studies major with a persecution complex and a close resemblance to late-career Roseanne Barr. She let out a deep Social Justice Warrior battle cry, and spent the semester trying to bully my consensual conquest into accusing me of rape. Fortunately for me, the girl was a decent human being with a strong enough personality to resist the allure of petty revenge. I am a free man.
This was almost a decade ago. If that girl had been weaker, dumber, or more vindictive, my life may have turned out very different. I once thought that my story was unique, but I’ve since learned that it’s much more common than you might think.
American men have started to realize that falsified rape claims are a serious threat to us, even though the issue is completely ignored by mainstream media sources.
Here are three reasons why you should be aware of the danger of false rape accusations:
1. False rape accusations are very common
Statistics on politicized issues like this are often untrustworthy. Many police departments resolve even the most obvious cases of false rape accusation by sending both parties home, recording no crime, and making the girl pinky swear never to do it again. But to my surprise, several decent studies have been done on the frequency of false rape accusations.
A meta-analysis by Rumney (2006) suggests that between 10-50% of rape allegations are false. Kanin (1994) arrived at an estimate of 40%, using methodology that strikes me as more trustworthy than a simple count of police-recorded ‘malicious accusations’, since many false rape claims are ignored. Kanin’s unique process was as follows:
Kanin investigated the incidences of false rape allegations made to the police in one small urban community between 1978 and 1987. He states that unlike those in many larger jurisdictions, this police department had the resources to “seriously record and pursue to closure all rape complaints, regardless of their merits.” He further states each investigation “always involves a serious offer to polygraph the complainants and the suspects” and “the complainant must admit that no rape had occurred. She is the sole agent who can say that the rape charge is false.”
The number of false rape allegations in the studied period was 45; this was 41% of the 109 total complaints filed in this period. The researchers verified, whenever possible, for all of the complainants who recanted their allegations, that their new account of the events matched the accused’s version of events.
Other studies have arrived at figures as high as 90%, such as Stewart (1981), who considered one case disproved because: “It was totally impossible to have removed her extremely tight undergarments from her extremely large body against her will.” I wonder if she lives near Nigel?
Most convincing to me, and more trustworthy than anything put out by any modern academic, is the claim by Danger and Play that more than 50% of ‘date rape’ accusations are false. I’ll take the word of one man I trust over a dozen corrupt and career-climbing academics, but in this case the academics seem to agree with the anecdotes: False rape claims are extremely common.
2. There are no penalties for women who bring false rape charges
A false rape accusation is not merely an attack on a man’s character. It is an attempt to kidnap, imprison, torture, and perhaps murder an innocent man. It is a profoundly evil act, and yet there are often no consequences for women who make false rape accusations. Consider the case of Leanne Black, who accused five different men of rape before she was sentenced to two years in prison. Or Ashleigh Loder, who spent just six months in jail for a false rape accusation.
Hilariously, the tagline in that second article is: “Mother-of-two wasted 100 hours of police time by inventing the assaults.” As if the wasted police resources, and not the act of trying to imprison an innocent man for the rest of his life, is her most newsworthy crime.
There is no real penalty for women who make false rape accusations, despite the fact that it is at least as severe of a crime as rape itself. Personally, I would much rather be raped than spend a decade or more in prison, especially since there is a good chance that an American man charged with rape will wind up being raped quite a bit. I suspect very few people, male or female, would choose to spend decades in prison, over a single incidence of rape. And yet, false accusations are treated like parking fines – accumulate enough, and you might get a slap on the wrist.
3. The Definition of Rape Is Subjective
What is rape, anyways? Once upon a time it was when a man had sex with a woman even while she was saying ‘No.’
Today, articles like this argue that a “weak yes” can also be considered a “No”. Feminists are actively working to re-define the definition of consent to make it as subjective and open to manipulation as possible. The days of “No Means No” are long gone, replaced by a new paradigm of “If I Wake Up and Feel Uncomfortable With What Happened, Well I Guess I Must Have Been Feeling No.”
Historically, if a girl is passed-out drunk and a guy has sex with her while she’s unconscious – that’s rape.
But what if a girl is just pretty drunk? What if the man has also been drinking? Are both guilty of rape? In a sane world, drunk people would be held responsible for whatever decisions they made while intoxicated. Drunk people still have agency, otherwise “I was drunk” would be always be a valid defense for drunk driving. The idea that a girl can wake up the morning after a night of enthusiastic sex and claim that she was too drunk to consent, is absolutely ridiculous.
College-aged men are put in an especially precarious position by the murkiness of rape laws, and the lack of consequences for women who make false accusations. It’s easy enough for me, as a twenty-eight year old man with a lot of dating experience, to avoid unstable drunk girls. But consider a young man on the college hook-up scene, in which the majority of girls he meets are impulsive, immature, and a heavy drinkers. Such a man should immediately learn How To Avoid A False Rape Accusation and start taking the precautions in that article.
These are the reasons why smart young men are aware of the growing threat of false rape accusations. It’s why men with options don’t date feminists. It’s why smart men send an ‘I didn’t rape you’ text. And it’s why men are disregarding the bullshit mainstream news sources that completely ignore issues like this, and reading sites like Thumotic and Return of Kings instead.
We’re coming out with two more articles on False Rape Accusations this week. Tomorrow we’ll look at How False Rape Accusations Force Men To Be Nice Guys. Make sure to follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss out.
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