The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World

The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World

The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World





Most people know that by traveling you can date a very diverse selection of women. By traveling you will find yourself with girls of different races, body types, and upbringings. I have spent a lot of time traveling and dating the local women; from daughters of drug lords to the girls who use magic to fix their problems. The world is full of many sexy girls with interesting stories, here are the stories of some of those girls that I have made mine.

The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World

Daughters of powerful men

Traveling the world with game and the added value of being an exotic foreigner, you can sometimes run into the elite class. The types of girls that are at times pains in the asses and at times amazing. Here are some of my stories:

Colombian politician’s daughter

While in Colombia I ended up meeting the daughter of a very big Colombian politician (not going to say the name for obvious reasons) while I was arriving at my apartment. She knew the landlord of the apartments that I was staying at. She had an amazing rack and I opened her by asking my landlord a question then saying “Quien es? Who is this?” nodding in the daughter’s direction.

Some more drama happened, but overall I had a great time with this girl.

Drug lord’s daughter

While in Mexico I unknowingly dated the daughter of a drug cartel boss. He wasn’t the top guy, but he was very high up. It wasn’t until much later and after plenty of drama that I found out the truth. During this time I partied with narcos (drug cartel employees) quite a bit. It’s harder than you would imagine to know who is a narco and who isn’t. Most are just normal dudes wanting to make some money.

Ready more about the Drug Lord’s Daughter HERE.

Famous Kung Fu master’s daughter

I had been pipelining (Online dating before arrival. You can check out my online dating strategy here.) for my trip to Asia. I had ended up chatting with a girl from China. At first she was pretty cold, but after doing my normal webcam routine she was 110% into me. She planned a vacation to the Philippines while I was going to be there. We ended up spending a week together at a resort on the island of Cebu.

I had been trying to get digital memories of her when she said:

Wait. You can’t, my father is famous in China and if it gets out it could be very bad.

She broke down and did it.

Ok, but you can’t show my face.

Haitian politician’s daughter

This one was very recent, in fact I just messaged her yesterday and we are planning to see each other again. I met her online. She had opened an account on an internet dating website for a total of two days. During that time I was able to get her whatsapp. Next thing you know she had vanished from the dating website.

I’m pretty solid with online game and I was able to get her out for a date. This girl had flawless English, the best I have heard on this island. This girl’s Iphone 5 and really expensive clothes were the first thing that tipped me off. Then one day during pillow talk she told me who her father is.

I still get jealous when she talks about her maid’s bomb meals and cleaning.

Mysterious girl in Pattaya

I had spent a lot of time gaming and had just failed at getting laid with a Russian girl thanks to bad logistics, but I knew I had to get laid that night. It was just after new years and Pattaya was buzzing with visitors. I went back to the club and ran into this Thai girl with a really pretty face.

I ended up spending the entire night with her into the morning, and then the afternoon. Her driver ended up driving us to the beach, he was big for a Thai guy and she said he was also her body guard.

Who are you?

I asked her.

I’m nobody, but my father is.

She wouldn’t tell me any more about who he was. I dropped it and I got her to return back to my place with me. She put up a lot of LMR before finally giving in. She never told me who her father was, but I still wonder.
The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World

Girls who think they are ugly because of racism in their country

Traveling the world, you realize that skin color means much more outside the western world. The types of girls with light skin are considered more attractive in nearly every place I have visited. You can use this to your advantage if you are a white guy, but you can also use it to your advantage because there are these BEAUTIFUL darker skinned girls that literally believe they are ugly. These same girls would be obsessed over by countless men where I’m from in USA, but culture has caused their obvious beauty to be mostly ignored.

Philippine beauty

At the beginning of my trip to the Philippines I pipelined a brown Filipina girl. Filipinas come in all colors, the lighter being seen as more attractive. However, this girl had a stunning face and a really nice body. When I started talking to her she mentioned how lucky she was to have a chance to go on a date with me.

It blew my mind how a girl that pretty and young (18 years old) could be so grateful just to get a shot with me. Sex was easy with her, she was happy to do anything for me. The quote that I remember and just highlights how she really believed I was out of her league

If we are dating, you can be with other girls, you just have to wear a condom.

She was saying this to try to get me to date her. A beautiful girl with no clue what she had to offer. Tragedy.

Colombian beauty

While in Colombia I met a skinny 19-year-old girl online. I met up with her and we ended up spending the next 36 hours together. She was very sexy. She was probably a mix of 1/3 black, 1/3 white, 1/3 native. It made a very curvy and sexy body. However, because of that 30% black, most locals saw her as less attractive than she really was. You could only see it if you looked closely or looked at her ass, but with locals it was the first thing they saw.

This girl ended up being one of my favorite girls from Colombia and she was probably the girl who thought her own value was the lowest of all the girls I hooked up with here.

Dominican girl with perfect ass and cute face

There is one particular girl I have in mind, but there are a few that fit the bill. I met this beautiful girl with an AMAZING ASS and cute face. This girl was easy to meet (like most black girls are here) and had a lower self esteem thanks to the color of her skin. This girl turns me on so much with her soft skin and perfectly shaped ass.

When we are walking around we will get funny looks. They don’t understand why a white guy would go for a black girl, sexy or not.
The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World

The nymphos and kinky girls

If you’ve been with as many girls as I have you will run into occasional types of girls that are nymphos or kinky. These types of girls can be fun, but you best wrap up.

Philippine girl who came straight to my room

I was in Cagayan de Oro and I had been loving it. It was a town where a foreigner’s value is VERY high. There was a girl that had been sending me all sorts of messages, wanting to meet up. I wouldn’t do it because she was so young (17), but she said her birthday was in a few days. Her birthday passed and she kept insisting to meet. Finally I told her she could come over to my hotel room and watch a movie with me.

She arrived and was cuter than in her photos. With a surprisingly nice rack. Thirty minutes later we were banging. I asked this newly turned 18-year-old how many guys she had been with.

I have slept with 19 guys, 20 with you.

Wow. If you have read my book The Key Logger: A Forbidden Glimpse of the True Nature of Women, you know that it is rare that a girl is 100% honest about this number, most likely that number is more like 60. Barely 18 years old, wow.

Thai/Indian girl in Bangkok

It was my second day in Thailand, I had been pipelining and I got a REALLY hot girl to agree to meet. This was not a problem, except that it was too easy, which usually means there is a problem.

We met and yeah I had an insta-crush. She was a mix of white, Thai, and Indian and it was so stunning. We went for a drink then back to my place. When we got in bed, there was no LMR—in fact she practically got herself naked on my bed. She was only 18 years old with a sexy body.

We went at it for a good 35 minutes. I finished and fell into bed, exhausted. She looked at me for a moment, kissed me, then went and got something from her purse. She returned to bed and I heard a buzzing sound.

Is that a vibrator?

I’m just really horny.

I remember being offended and probably coming off a bit that way as she continued to use it on herself.

I don’t know why I’m this way, I can’t help it.

Was what I remember this young, 18 year old girl saying. That’s just the way she was.

Nympho in Bangkok

It was interesting that my first two nights in Bangkok were with nymphos. However, the first one was pretty extreme. I remember receiving nude photos without asking (I met her online) and she was my last option for the night and she came straight to my hotel at night. We ended up banging right away.

It turns out this same nympho also went on to have sex with fellow Swoop writers Fisto and THC, which you can read about here.

Mexican girl who loved bondage

While in Guadalajara I ended up meeting an interesting girl. She was one of the types of girls you wouldn’t expect to be kinky. We met up and went to the movies. She dressed conservatively and her shy smile painted a picture of a nice girl, but she could not hide her amazing ass. Everything was really easy with her. We ended up back at my hotel room and there was a bit of LMR, but not too much to handle.

I really liked this girl and continued seeing her for the next couple of months. During this time she revealed to me her ultimate fetish: bondage. I’m a sexual guy so I played along, trying everything out. We even ended up making our own little bondage porno.

The Types Of Girls You Hook Up With While Traveling The World

Girls who experienced traumatic events

Mexican girl that was kidnapped

While in Guadalajara, Mexico I met a girl online. She added me on Facebook and wouldn’t even entertain the idea of meeting me for a couple months. Over those couple months we chatted every few days and she eventually told me she was ready to meet. She showed up to the date in a new Ford Mustang. “Well, she must have a decent job.” I thought. The date went perfectly, but even after trying I wasn’t able to seal the deal for the next couple dates. After I finally did during pillow talk, she told me something interesting:

“The reason I didn’t want to meet you for so long is that I have had some bad experiences… He estado secuestrado – I have been kidnapped”

It caught me off guard and she continued to explain that she came from a family with money and that she was kidnapped for one month while they were trying to ransom her. She was able to escape.

I got curious and asked for more details, but she would get really sad when she talked about it and I wouldn’t push more. We continued seeing each other for the rest of the time I was in Mexico. We still talk frequently on Facebook, she is a sweet girl.

Haitian girl witnessing the aftermath of the earthquake

As most people know, one of the worst earthquakes ever recorded happened a couple of years ago in Haiti. While I was there I day gamed a girl and then went on an insta-date. Thirty minutes later we were having a pillow talk session. The earthquake was on my mind so I asked her about it.

“I remember buildings crumbling all around me and screams. Then all I can remember were the bodies. I would see them everywhere for months after the earthquake.”

I can’t imagine how seeing those types of things must have affected her, but Haiti is definitely a country that is rebuilding.

Cambodian girl having to hide from the bad regime

Cambodia had the worst genocide of all time a couple decades ago. They executed 1/3rd of their own population. If people were on the wrong side they were hunted, if they represented western values (doctors, teachers, people with glasses, etc.) they were executed. I asked one of my girls from Cambodia about it.

“I remember hiding in the jungle with my mom. She would keep telling me to keep quiet whenever people would approach. I was very hungry, but I knew this was more serious. They found most of my family, but I don’t want to talk about that.”

There is a reason Cambodia is like the wild west of Asia. Laws are pretty much non-existent. You can do whatever you want if you have the money (very little) to pay off the police and a lot of the people are very aggressive… especially the women. I have never seen any more girl fights than the two weeks I was in Cambodia.

Philippine girl watching people swept down the river with their houses

As most people know, the Philippines get hit hard by tropical storms. There was the recent one in central Philippines, but the previous big one happened right before I arrived in Cagayan de Oro.

I met a tiny, skinny little Philippine girl in a bar. She was so shy, but I really enjoyed spending time with her. I asked her about the storm and she told me a story that I hadn’t heard.

“There were many houses being swept down the river and on the broken pieces of wood there were people clinging to them, trying not to drown.”

In the Philippines there are a lot of poor people. These poor people don’t have enough money to buy land, so they build their houses on the banks of the rivers because these are no build zones where they don’t have to own it.

When floods and storms happen, these no build zones are the places that get hit the hardest. Apparently, the government doesn’t count the poor people that lived there because they were living there “illegally.” Most those storms you hear about over there kill a lot more people than the government wants to admit.

The Thai girl with a scar as long as her body

I had met a girl from online dating. I remember everything going well, up to the point where I tried to take off her clothes. She fought it very hard and I finally gave up.

“I don’t understand, but it’s OK. I should get some sleep.” I told her.

She left and about 15 minutes later I get a text.

“Can I sleep with you?”

“Sure.” I replied.

She returned and we continued where we left off. I started taking off her clothes, and her hesitation made sense when I saw a very thick scar that ran down the left side of her body. It wound from her foot all the way up to her arm pit.

“Where did you get that?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She replied.


I accepted it and continued, trying not to kill the moment.

Where the scar came from remains a mystery, but sometimes I wonder… an elephant? snake? tiger? something boring? Who knows.

The kidnapped Nicaraguan blonde

Thanks to a friend I met a blonde Nicaraguan girl who had been kidnapped when she was 18 year old by a cartel boss running drugs through Nicaragua. Her rare blonde hair is probably what made him target her. He kidnapped her from Managua and took her to a small drug town north of San Juan del Sur. She was there for 5 months being repeatedly raped and he ended up getting her pregnant.

The police caught up to the cartel boss and he was thrown in jail. The blonde girl was then able to return to her family in Managua. She had her daughter and to this day she is terrified that he will get out of jail, find her, and take her or take her daughter.

Girls using magic

Girl who went to witch doctor to heal a broken arm

In the Philippines I remember I was in bed with a Philippine girl with a really nice body (OK face). I grabbed her arm.


“What’s wrong?”

“I fell out of a tree when I was a kid, my mom didn’t have enough money to bring me to the doctor, so she brought me to a witch doctor.”

Guess those chants didn’t work so well. Extra Favela Points.

Mexican girl who went to a shaman

I met a girl in Mexico, I knew she was a little weird. I had found a girl that I liked almost immediately, so I had been pretty much ignoring other girls. Ignoring had made this girl obsessed with meeting me. She was OK looking, but my current girl was much hotter, so I finally said

“Ok. I will meet you, but we have to have sex.”

Basically she ended up agreeing to it, hoping that I would like the sex and we would have a chance as a couple afterwards. It didn’t work out so well, but I did see her twice.

A few months later, when I was already in the DR, I started getting messages from her:

“We are meant to be together, I have checked.”

“What?” I responded.

“I went to a (Mexican shaman) and she told me that you are in love with me.”

“I’m in the Caribbean, we will probably never see each other and I’m just not in love with you. You will find the right guy.”

“I gave you a love potion.” She said.

“A love potion?”

“That’s why you wanted to see me again.” She responded.

I stopped talking to her. I don’t know how I drank it or what it was, but slipping things into my food or drink is not cool.

Girls with cool jobs

Opera singer’s daughter

In the Dominican Republic I dated the daughter of an opera singer. I met her online, and she had this beautiful, innocent looking face that I loved. I’m still seeing her when I get the time. I met her mom after a show and she so fits the part. Overweight (unlike the daughter), but a pretty face.

Professional ballerina

This is the only girl I never had sex with in these articles, because it was when I was younger and wouldn’t have sex for religious reasons. She was half Italian and she had that dancer’s form. I really enjoyed her. As a man who loves variety, I can really appreciate their strong bodies.

The fashion designer

In Mexico I hooked up with a semi-famous local fashion designer. She had her own line and easily made more money than me. However, she talked WAY too much. Sweet girl though.

Model types

I remember when I was younger thinking that the ultimate girl would be a model. Now after dating countless “models,” I have realized that it really means nothing. In fact, a lot of times these types of women aren’t even that good looking. The models I have hooked up with have ranged anywhere from “ok” to very attractive, but most were somewhere in the middle.


That’s all the girls I will share with you. This all happened because I took the risk and did one thing: travel. I would never have been with any of these girls if it weren’t for me dropping everything and deciding to travel the world. I have never met a person who has ever said that they regret travelling.

These days people live through their TVs, but it’s a hundred times better when you live the action, adventure, danger, passion and romance yourself. You can make this happen if you make the sacrifices necessary to do your own traveling. Get out there and find out what types of girls YOU end up with.

Read More: 4 Thoughts I Didn’t Have While Traveling


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